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  1. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    ...and only 10 chicks, 2 of which expired within the first 24 hrs, their eyes never opened, leaving me with 8 viable chicks. I'm sure the 15hr 102.7* temp spike did them in. I've had a hatch rate of about 75%+ of my home stock, until now. blah....... I do have 37 Guinea eggs turning, ready...
  2. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Same here Kim, be safe, hugs to you all, even little bear.
  3. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    The marbles have been placed into the water to prevent the chicks from drowning. Keeps the water shallow.
  4. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    oops that should be LG not LC, lol..... Still need more coffee!!!
  5. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Well I'm irritated with the LC again this morning. So last night I noticed my temps all over the place again, granted I had made some minor adjustments but this morning after a cup of coffee, I figure out the fan had stopped working. So I cranked the hot water in the shower, lugged the bator...
  6. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Congrats!! I keep going in to peak too. It is pretty fun. .
  7. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Come on chicks!!!!! Cheering them on for you!!!!!
  8. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    I'm hoping for you too!!! I just went to check on them and watched #4 roll out. My thermometer had been knocked out of the way and I haven't been able to see it since like noon time. I gently shook the bator until I rocked it over and it was running at 101.7, so I just tried to turn it down...
  9. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Yippee!!!!!!!!!!! I just checked, still holding at 3 and at least one more pip.
  10. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Last time I looked, I had 3 chicks. Just got done mowing the lawn and hosing the horses off and putting them in early with the fans on. It's humid as all get out this afternoon. I should go check but my legs feel like rubber bands, need to rest a bit first.
  11. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Sweety13, my humidity had been about 40-50% running dry. But I have it in a spare bedroom that stays somewhat cool and I ran it dry. I added a small amount of water twice during the first 18 days.
  12. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    I checked eggs before I headed out to start barn chores around 10am and had 3 pips. When I came in about 11ish......... I looked in the bator and what did I see? A tiny little chick, looking back at me. I had to LOL. There are 39 eggs in there and he was stuck like a turtle on his back...
  13. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    I set on 7/11. I have 2 pips this morning. Let the action begin!! I was just worried that the bator was at 102.7 for who knows how long. I worked and went to visit friends at the hospital that day, so I was gone for just over 15 hrs. But it looks like at least some of them are going to...
  14. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    I can't wait to see the pics! So far I have zero peeps and zero pips. I'm soooooo crossing my fingers I didn't hard boil these eggs at least if I did, they were my eggs and not purchased eggs.
  15. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Yipee!!!!! We need some pics!!!!
  16. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    When I pulled my turner the temp was too low as the eggs were lower in the bator, this happened to me last hatch too. I'm thinking the Guineas, due to hatch in Aug will be my last hatch of the year too. Maybe going to keep my eyes open for something different for next year. I will say tho, I...
  17. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    ...Sorry for all that lost chick or had no hatches. I went into lock down later Sunday night, got up Monday morning to find the bator running at 98*, gave her a tiny bump, then got home 15 hrs later to find them running at 102.7* grrrrrr...................... Got it all worked out now, but not...
  18. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Oh, I've seen pics of the Pineapple strawberries, Way too cool!!!! I'm off to work but can't wait to get home and check that site out, thanks a ton Chris and Karen!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day!!! I've got 5 days off after today so I'm super excited to get today behind me!!!!
  19. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    The monkey was GREAT!!! This is a wonderful thread. Hoping everyone is doing well and get good hatches!!!! So what's the link to the homesteader site? Def interested!!!!! B.
  20. Beckymca

    Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

    Lock down for me tonight when I get home from work, woooo hooooo!!!!!
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