Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

Oh my gooooodnesssss...... One of the Lemon Cuckoo Orps from an egg with the horseshoe shaped aircell just hatched a day early! He is so tiny but looks great except for his yolk is still attached. Will keep a close eye on him, but if that one can hatch I hopefully will have a couple more!

Eggs that were placed yesterday have much better looking aircells. Only 2 that look really nice. Fingers crossed.

We all need to post new pics! I will post some more by tomorrow afternoon.

I guess I also need to go join another hatching thread, but I like you peeps and don't want to leave. How can we keep this going. Maybe we need to start a cool people that incubated in July thread in off topic forums so we can keep hanging out......
LOL, I can always just change the thread title, can't I?? some of you are re-setting, right?? No Pics till tomorrow?? well, I am afraid I will be without internet for a while after tonight so, just leave a trail if you decide to start a new thread 'cause I am so there!!!
Here they are, semi-fluffy, but still cute as little buttons. The one in front looks black, next is a blue, then a porcelain and my little white is all the way in the back blending in quite well with the towel they're snuggling on


It looks like my final count is going to be 6, which tickles me pink considering I didn't think any of these eggs were going to hatch. I just had another blue or black literally explode from its egg. It came out so fast it ripped its umbilical cord off, which caused it to bleed a bit. I pulled it out of the bator real quick and put some flour on its rear end (I hope that was the right thing to do), then I popped it back in to dry out. I have 1 more white egg working on coming out, my other white ended up being a late term quitter so I pitched it. I'll be glad when they're finished hatching, I'm ready to pack up my bator and be done with hatching for the year. Congrats to everyone who's got fluffies already, sorry to those who had problems and good luck to everyone still waiting!

SOOOO cute!!!! Congrats!
Well after being evacuated from my house due to fires. Our bator was way low. I candled all eggs tonight and of the ones that were supposed to hatch on Thurs. None were moving. so I went ahead and took them out. Little Bear is the only one I have so far. He made it though the evacuation and then driving all over town. He's a tough little booger!

Here's the video from the fire damage.

I did put 9 other eggs into lockdown today. These are more SFH, I really home some hatch. They were all moving! Come on more Chickies! I've got one lonely chick ready to play.
OMG! I hope you all are ok... AAWW, poor Bear, as if hatching isn't stressful enough! Now is has to go through an evac!! Stay safe, Kim... I will keep you in my thoughts and all your friends and neighbors that everything will be ok...

Same here Kim, be safe, hugs to you all, even little bear.
Glad to see you are home Kim, phew, fire is so scary!!!

So many adorable chicks, thanks for sharing!!!!!

So I set 39 of my own eggs and only 10 chicks, 2 of which expired within the first 24 hrs, their eyes never opened, leaving me with 8 viable chicks. I'm sure the 15hr 102.7* temp spike did them in. I've had a hatch rate of about 75%+ of my home stock, until now. blah.......

I do have 37 Guinea eggs turning, ready for lock down on the 9th. I have no interest in keeping guineas but my friend had a bunch of cool eggs from colored Guineas we figured we would hatch and sell together.

So I'm thinking it's time to put the bator away until Feb or March, it has been way too hot and humid here so get good temps from my LG, it seemed to run better when the heat was running and house stayed pretty even at 70* but now temps in the 80s-90 during the day and 50s-60 at night is screwing with the bator and making it a constant battle to control temps. I hatch mostly to sell and people are not looking for newly hatched chick this late in the year as well, so time to put it away til next year.

I've hatched some Salmon Faverolles to keep and some Dorkings also to keep. I'm going to cut my LBs back by maybe 4-6 hens and run with about 30 birds for the winter, more than enough for me to care for!!!!

So what do you all plan to do with your newly hatched chicks??????? I saw note of roo to hen ratio, what is the ideal ratio? I have one rooster covering 11 hens and have had a good fertility rate, they are also about 16 months old so good and fertile age.
Here they are, semi-fluffy, but still cute as little buttons. The one in front looks black, next is a blue, then a porcelain and my little white is all the way in the back blending in quite well with the towel they're snuggling on :D

It looks like my final count is going to be 6, which tickles me pink considering I didn't think any of these eggs were going to hatch. I just had another blue or black literally explode from its egg. It came out so fast it ripped its umbilical cord off, which caused it to bleed a bit. I pulled it out of the bator real quick and put some flour on its rear end (I hope that was the right thing to do), then I popped it back in to dry out. I have 1 more white egg working on coming out, my other white ended up being a late term quitter so I pitched it. I'll be glad when they're finished hatching, I'm ready to pack up my bator and be done with hatching for the year. Congrats to everyone who's got fluffies already, sorry to those who had problems and good luck to everyone still waiting!

They are sooooooo adorable! Congrats momma!!!
Oh my gooooodnesssss...... One of the Lemon Cuckoo Orps from an egg with the horseshoe shaped aircell just hatched a day early! He is so tiny but looks great except for his yolk is still attached. Will keep a close eye on him, but if that one can hatch I hopefully will have a couple more!

Eggs that were placed yesterday have much better looking aircells. Only 2 that look really nice. Fingers crossed.

We all need to post new pics! I will post some more by tomorrow afternoon.

I guess I also need to go join another hatching thread, but I like you peeps and don't want to leave. How can we keep this going. Maybe we need to start a cool people that incubated in July thread in off topic forums so we can keep hanging out......

So exciting! Pictures please!!!!!

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