Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

Hey becky! I'm having the same issue with my bator! I checked the temp it was 97, the i barely turned it, then it was 102, so i turned it back down barely and it was 98. RRRRRRRR this stupid thing! This is my last hatch for the year. gonna build a bator this winter to get ready for spring hatching!
Hey becky! I'm having the same issue with my bator! I checked the temp it was 97, the i barely turned it, then it was 102, so i turned it back down barely and it was 98. RRRRRRRR this stupid thing! This is my last hatch for the year. gonna build a bator this winter to get ready for spring hatching!

When I pulled my turner the temp was too low as the eggs were lower in the bator, this happened to me last hatch too. I'm thinking the Guineas, due to hatch in Aug will be my last hatch of the year too. Maybe going to keep my eyes open for something different for next year. I will say tho, I have hached many chick in the LGs this year, but you have to be around to babysit them all the time.
aww such cute babies ... mine are in lock down now !!! I cannot wait.. I will take anything hatching !!! this is my only my second try with the homemade incubator !!!
I am amazed with how well I am doing!!! A White Crested Black Polish and more Marans have popped out. SO CUTE! The little Blue Splash Orpington in my favorite. Lots of blues and blacks but only one splash. About 4 more Orps to go. 3 have pips. Hoping for 1 more splash. I promise to post pics. My little bantams are so teeny compared to the rest.

For my first hatch I think i am doing pretty good. Still 15 eggs to go with about 7 pipped or unzipping right now. I really am happy with both of my bators. The Reptipro and the Genesis have both been rock solid this whole time. I will be buying another of each! I will post all my incubating specs later also. I did a dry incubation but brought the humidity up to 70-75 at lockdown. Even with the fan blowing down into the center, I have had no problem with shrinkwrapping or anything else. Also hatched all eggs large end up in styrophone egg cartons. Will post all details and photos soon.

Ooops wife just said something else is out!
I can't wait to see the pics! So far I have zero peeps and zero pips. I'm soooooo crossing my fingers I didn't hard boil these eggs at least if I did, they were my eggs and not purchased eggs.

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