Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

Last time I looked, I had 3 chicks. Just got done mowing the lawn and hosing the horses off and putting them in early with the fans on. It's humid as all get out this afternoon. I should go check but my legs feel like rubber bands, need to rest a bit first.
AHHHHHH!!! I have 1 pip! So excited!!!
(mini tribal!), come on 7 more!!
my actual hatch day is tomorrow, so i hope they all wind up coming out to see me!

I'm hoping for you too!!!

I just went to check on them and watched #4 roll out. My thermometer had been knocked out of the way and I haven't been able to see it since like noon time. I gently shook the bator until I rocked it over and it was running at 101.7, so I just tried to turn it down a bit, this is where I get into trouble making adjustments at critical times. The LGs are sooooo stinking touchy. I'll be up for a few more hours and will keep an eye on it. My hatch day is today. I set late tho, like 7pm. I've run a little low now and then so not too worried on only 4 of the 39. I was way more worried about my spike in temp this Monday at 102.7 for up to 15 hrs, but so far so good, fingers crossed for us all!!!!!!
I'm hoping for you too!!!

I just went to check on them and watched #4 roll out. My thermometer had been knocked out of the way and I haven't been able to see it since like noon time. I gently shook the bator until I rocked it over and it was running at 101.7, so I just tried to turn it down a bit, this is where I get into trouble making adjustments at critical times. The LGs are sooooo stinking touchy. I'll be up for a few more hours and will keep an eye on it. My hatch day is today. I set late tho, like 7pm. I've run a little low now and then so not too worried on only 4 of the 39. I was way more worried about my spike in temp this Monday at 102.7 for up to 15 hrs, but so far so good, fingers crossed for us all!!!!!!

Good hatch to you!!
I still have chicks popping out. It has finally slowed down lol. All of my eggs from different breeders have hatched at different times. Will probably do pics tomorrow. LONG day helping my dad redo a cieling. Not fun at all.

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