Setting eggs week of 7/13... Anyone with me??

I checked eggs before I headed out to start barn chores around 10am

and had 3 pips. When I came in about 11ish.........

I looked in the bator and what did I see? A tiny little chick, looking back at me. I had to LOL. There are 39 eggs in there and he was stuck like a turtle on his back. So I cracked the lid and quickly flipped over. But it was too funny not to get a quick picture. So far that's it. It stirred the bator a bit and now I can't find one of the earlier pips, but the one I can find is working on zipping.

Yea for chicks!!!!!

Congrats everyone and good luck to the rest

Mine are on day 21 and nothing yet. Only 5 out of 13 made it to lockdown. Here is hoping....

Come on chicks!!!!! Cheering them on for you!!!!!
I have PIPS! 6 so far, 2 rockers and lots of cheeping. And one of them is the ONLY little bantam that survived to lockdown! WOOO HOOO! Only 21 more to PIP! I am SOOO Excited! First hatch! I can't stop watching them!

I have PIPS! 6 so far, 2 rockers and lots of cheeping. And one of them is the ONLY little bantam that survived to lockdown! WOOO HOOO! Only 21 more to PIP! I am SOOO Excited! First hatch! I can't stop watching them!


Congrats!! I keep going in to peak too. It is pretty fun.
Of course you can call me Chris! Everybody is welcome to! Sometimes I wish we joined great forums like this with our real names. My wife Karen is on here all the time also. I guess we should have seperate accounts but we don't........ All of the pics of the Tennessee Feinting Goats were taken by her. If I take credit I might get poked in the ribs! LOL

Sounds like you are swamped! I hate moving. there is nothing more stressful in life, but it sounds like you are moving to your own slice of heaven. I could be real happy with just five acres. Perfect size for a nice self supporting homestead. One of my other favorite forums is Homesteading-today. Five acres with pond access is just wonderful!

Good luck everybody with lockdown. If I can have 60% hatch I will be thrilled. Not counting my chickens before they hatch though.......

The pic of the monkey was just for fun. I really like how they turned out. Unedited through 1 inch of totally fingerprinted glass at the National Zoo. Just trying to keep the best hatching thread on the web entertained.
Hey I NEVER said I didn't love you awesome howler monkey pics (never saw one before) I just said they scared the crap outta me!!!
I love the fainting goat Pics that Karen took though!! it was cool to kinda be able to watch it roll!!!
Good LUCK everyone!!!

I would have to agree, this is the best hatch thread out there!!

Again, Best, Best, Best of LUCK to everyone as their hatch day approaches! I can't wait to see all the little fluffy butt pictures!
Yes, I am SUPER nervous and excited for all of you too!!!
I am so nervous about none hatching too ... this is my second time using my home made incubator ..the first batch didn't make it due to a power outage for quite awhile for a line repair and a bad temp fluncuation ... and then the light bulb blew on these guys for that little while ...

so here's praying good hatching for all of us

i am gonna hate lock down no turning no candling no talking to them except thru the glass !!!
silly huh?!?
Nope!!! but I will tell you this sound whether its music or your voice seems to make em hatch faster!! I know it sounds crazy but it works... once they pip that is!!!
Ooh ooh, I just found this thread! I set 14 Silkie eggs on the 13th
When I candled on day 10 I had to pitch 7 eggs (porous
). So obviously I have 7 left, they seem to be doing great, and tomorrow is lockdown so I'm hoping for the best! Good luck with your hatching everyone! Now I'm off to read the rest of this thread to see what everyones got going on
I have been away for days, and I have missed so much... i still have like 7 pages to read!!! welcome aboard!!!
I just found this thread :) I wish I found it sooner!!! I am in lockdown as of an hour ago. I started them at 11pm on the 12th. Am I locking down too early? I started with 45 eggs from 3 different owners, about 15 different mommas including Ameraucanas, EEs, Cochins, barnyard bantams, and a bunch I have no idea about. I got rid of 11 on day 12 (not fertile or stopped developing before day 5) and another 6 yesterday which has stopped. I have 25 that are moving around and 2 which look good, but I see no obvious movement.

I AM SO FLIPPING EGGCITED! It's my fist batch. We have 4 teenage chickens in our backyard, but 2 are roos and because we can't have roos where we live, we're trying to make 2 more brothers or sisters for them. My friend said I could have the pick of the litter if I hatched some for her and her friends and hand tamed them, as she loves how friendly my guys are. (They jump on my lap for cuddles and petting)

Anyone have any advice they wish they were given?

Willow (Yes, my real name)
LOVE the name!!! I am a hippie at heart and wanted to name my daughter Summer Rayne... but he Vetoed it ... ( hope you aren't offended by the hippie remark!! )

@ Willow - I think our coops are a little different, but pretty close. Mine is too small for the birds I have. The website I ordered it from said it would fit up to 6 chickens. lol

I've had my face pressed up against the incubator glass all day. Here's why.

AAWWW!!! Seriously... try music
Well, I think I am out of the hatching club. Out of the 4 that made it from the bad shipping, the 2 smaller ones didn't develop and the 2 larger ones look like they are quitters. The second batch with the replacement eggs from the seller, the 4 smaller ones never developed and the 1 larger one looks like a quitter also.

This is the worse hatch I have ever had. So disappointing.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you all. Good Luck!

Post pics!!!
Nope, this is like "the bloods"..... in it for life!!! Look at me, I started this thread and my hatch failed in day 7!!!
we all love you no matter how many chickens you bring to the table!! (Uncooked of course!! )lol
Welcome all newcomers! I think I speak for all of us here from the start of this thread by saying a big HOWDY and good luck. Keep us updated on your progress! This thread is full of love and caring! Has made my time fly by!

Well the first egg that pipped hatched in about 1/2 hour. A full 36 hours early, but a big beautiful blue orp!!!! I have 5 more pipped eggs right now. I think some of these eggs were a little ahead of schedule considering it was 107 degrees the whole week they were collected. He is so strong but constantly peeping, he is lonley but not for long it looks like he will have a couple buddies soon. I covered the bottom of the reptipro with cabinet covering and will be moving them as they hatch to there.Not enough room in the genesis with all of the eggs siting up in egg cartons. Would rather quickly move them to the other bator to be safe.

Keep it up peeps, the good times are almost here. Hmmmmmm what to hatch next.................................

JDchicks- So sorry to hear about your bad luck. If I can help please let us know. Would be happy to get you some eggs from my breeder and ship them to you myself if you want to try.
YAY!!! on the pips and hatch(especially the orps, I know how much you wanted them!), Chris, you say it best!!!
My replacement Lavender Orp eggs should be here tomorrow. Guy wrote me and thanked me for sending him the link to properly pack eggs for shipping. Said he really appreciated me contacting him instead of filing a disput with paypal, Even though it states not responsible for shipping damage, paypal always sides with buyer. He said each one would be individually wrapped and packaged as per instructions and did not even charge me shipping. Which I offered originally to pay. I appreciate everyones input on how to approach him with proper shipping practices for eggs It worked out really well in the end. Now lets just pray that the wonderful United States Postal Service treats them gently. Much better shipping weather this week also!
See, sometimes it is good to say something!! Good job on being diplomatic!
Here's my pics for today. Babies #2 and #3. Unfortunately, baby #1 drowned in her water last night, even though I thought it was shallow enough. :( But we have a new one now that should be better for the remaining two. I'm off later today to get my next batch of eggs. This is seriously addictive. :D

Baby #2


New waterer
We always use a regular small chicken waterer and then put little rocks in the bottom... that way they get to the water to drink but it isn't enough to drown them.... we lost several chicks to drowning before we learned this trick!! Good luck!!
I've got 8 in lockdown (technically 10, but I'm pretty sure 2 were quitters), when i was candling last night to check on air cells, I saw one little beak pipped through internally. This morning when I put the humidifier in there i could hear little cheeps! Hopefully I have a few babies in a day or three!
Keeping the vibes with you too!! Good luck!!
Ok back to reading... man, I have missed alot!!!
Didn't anyone miss me???
How long from pip to zip? My first guy has been working on it For over 8 hours. He cheeps and moves around a lot but absolutely NO progress. I feel so bad for him. Has anyone ever "helped" their chicks out?
My last batch I had 2 that were shrink wrapped in there. the first one i let try for almost 24 hours (cause that's what I was told), then I took it upon myself to help him out. I sprayed warm water over him, them took some q-tips and a bowl of warm water and dipped my q-tip in it and worked the membrane off the chick. once he was mostly out, i put him back in the bator to come the rest of the way out. The second one that I had pip, i saw bubbles coming out of the zip area so I opened the bator and moved the egg so that his nose was above any liquid in the egg. it took him a few hours still to come out. Make sure if you do start to help any chicks out that you STOP IMMEDIATELY if you see any blood, that means he's not quite ready. Apparently it takes a while for them to draw in the yolk and all the blood from the veins?!?! Not sure about that, but I do know you're supposed to STOP IMMEDIATELY if you see blood.

Here are my 2 threads on my last hatch helps:
I still have chicks popping out. It has finally slowed down lol. All of my eggs from different breeders have hatched at different times. Will probably do pics tomorrow. LONG day helping my dad redo a cieling. Not fun at all.

My sympathy. We were did our bedroom ceiling not to long ago. My arms were rubber afterwards!
Quote: I will try to empathize with that. We remodeled our old house to sell, scraped all the ceilings and hand troweled them. I was however pregnant, so I wasn't allowed on the ladder, but I know my husband was jello for awhile. Our living room had 20ft ceilings. We had to rent scaffolding. I really wanted to go up there, but he wouldn't let me!

I know that he was miserable, so I feel for you and your spouse!

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