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  1. Ozarkhomesteader

    Crossbeak in Breeding...when to cull the breeders?

    Alright, quick question! I have a pair of silver sebrights bantams. I will make a disclaimer and say they are hatchery quality, not show birds. Unrelated (as far as I know) bought from different stores and in different years. Kept these two as a fun side project cause the breed is cute! I hatch...
  2. Ozarkhomesteader

    Anyone else have LGDs?? I am in serious need of advice!!

    There is not much on here about livestock guardian dogs, but I figure some people have them, so here goes! Literally any advice is appreciated. THE BACKSTORY: ok, so I've wanted and LGD for years and years. Was never ready, but have been researching them for years. I've read every article I...
  3. Ozarkhomesteader

    Help! Introducing a hen to Muscovy flock

    Hey there! I have been keeping muscovies for quite a few years, but I am hoping someone who has some more experience will chime in! Any input or ideas appreciated! So I have two separate breeding groups of muscovies this spring. I've decided to reduce to one group (1 drake and 3-4 hens) and...
  4. Ozarkhomesteader

    Guineas dying, help!!

    Hello everyone! I know there has been other threads about this subject, but none really fit my situation, so I figured I would post again and hope someone might give me a little insight as to what the heck is going on! Ok, so I have been keeping guineas for about 2 years. Started with 12, one...
  5. Ozarkhomesteader

    Need help to Id our bantam rooster!

    ...him! I'm really praying he isn't a mixed breed. But being that there was a lot more blue chicks in the bin, I'm hoping Im just missing the breed. *Note: he is clean legged, blueish grey legs. Also has a bit of a beard/muffs on his face. Thanks in advance for any help! Any suggestions...
  6. Ozarkhomesteader

    Help! Mama goose not taking care of eggs/babies day 33

    Ok, so I have a beautiful African goose named Nakira. She has been dutifully sitting on a clutch of 13 for about 33 days. At around day 21 a rouge chicken egg hatched and i found the poor chick dead in the nest. Then, about a week ago we had a rotten egg explosion. I cleaned up as best i...
  7. Ozarkhomesteader

    Replacing dead eggs under goose with new eggs...should I?

    So I have a lovely African goose who has been sitting devotedly for about 20 days. I wish I had thought to earlier, but I forgot about candling, and didn't until tonight. Sadly, the 5 (of 12) I candled have pretty much no development. They are pretty clear, some have a bloby yolk that moves like...
  8. Ozarkhomesteader

    Tell me about how you breed your guineas!!

    Ok, breeding season is coming up, and I am busy getting all my poultry into breeding groups, setting up nest boxes etc. Looking forward to babies!! This is my first time with Guinea fowl. I have 10, and they are about 10 months old, I got them last April as keets. They free-range on our 24...
  9. Ozarkhomesteader

    Introducing new drakes to established flock- Advice Needed!

    Hey there! So I have a flock of muscovies I've had them for about a year and a half. There are 13 hens and one drake at the moment, along with 10 babies. I will be keeping any female babies from those 10. This spring, I had another drake, but my current drake ostracized him and he passed away...
  10. Ozarkhomesteader

    Crazy Guineas! Advice needed...

    Hey y'all! Hope every ones having a good day so far! So this is my first time raising guineas, I got them when they were a few days old and they are so cute and fun! I tried really hard to not scare them, talked calmly, sang to them, tried to be very careful changing water and food so as not...
  11. Ozarkhomesteader

    Building my turkey coop/run- need some tips!

    Hi there! So, soon i will be getting some Narragansett turkey poults. I have kept turkeys once before, but ended up having to sell them as we were in the city and they were spending more time running around the neighborhood than in our yard. FINALLY we have 25 acres in a rural area, and I am...
  12. Ozarkhomesteader

    How to keep turkey's in the yard???

    Hey yall! So I am the proud owner of a lovely trio of Narragansett Turkey's. They are about a year old. I live on about an acre of land in the middle of a neighborhood in the middle of a giant city. There is about half an acre fenced off for my poultry to run around on, and I have 11 chickens...
  13. Ozarkhomesteader

    Keeping Quail in an old chicken coop...

    Hey there! So as we are getting a ton of progress done on the new barn, my brain is thinking ahead about the quail I hope to keep! Once my chicken flock moves to their new coop out at the barn, I will have a chicken coop at my disposal. There are two critters I plan on adding this year- Quail...
  14. Ozarkhomesteader

    Turkey Tom Feeling a Bit under the weather...

    Hello everyone! I recently acquired a trio of Narragansett turkeys. I've had them for about 2-3 months, and they are about a year old. Currently they are in a 12x6 covered pen. I try to keep it really clean, but the nest box got a little gross while one of the mamas was trying to hatch some...
  15. Ozarkhomesteader

    Is it dangerous to let ducks swim in water runoff?

    Hello everyone! I have a small flock of 5 ducks that are currently penned up near the house in a chicken tractor. This winter, I am working on fencing off the back half of the property (about half an acre) to give the livestock (ducks, chickens, turkeys and hopefully goats) more room to...
  16. Ozarkhomesteader

    Can ducks make use of a wooded swamp?? Thoughts, concerns, and experience needed!

    Hello all! Recently me and my family were invited by my grandparents to move from our 1 acre city yard onto their 20 acre plot of land in Michigan with them. They are getting older, and cannot take care of the place like they used to. Nothing is decided as of yet, but as the dreamer I am, I...
  17. Ozarkhomesteader

    Blind baby goat, tips on raising?

    Hello all. I am back after a very long hiatus with a question. I have been on other thread for livestock getting opinions but thought I might as well see if someone here had any ideas. So, 2 weeks ago our oldest goat gave birth to a tiny single baby. She was slightly premature and very weak at...
  18. Ozarkhomesteader

    One muscovy with domestic ducks

    So, sadly i am doing a bit of a change and selling off most of my flock. My plan is to keep 4 hens and 3 ducks in a tractor that we move around the yard. This will keep them safe from the many predators that are ripping apart my large coop and eating my birds. i have 2 domestic ducks, a pair...
  19. Ozarkhomesteader

    Drake Terrorizing Coop

    So, i have a muscovy drake who i go last summer, so hes about a year old. Sadly, a fox killed all but one of my muscovy hens, and so there are only two left. They share a coop with 3 domestic ducks and 2 geese. There used to be 6 chickens in with everyone, but they also got killed by the fox in...
  20. Ozarkhomesteader

    Goose not looking her best....

    So, i have two geese. One is a female embden mix named kizuna. The other is a chinese of unknown gender named xiao. They live in a large mixed coop with 4 ducks and 6 hens. Kizuna is large and always has her head in the clouds. She is clumsey and somewhat nippy, but backs off pretty fast. Her...
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