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    blizzard, how to keep hens safe/ happy?

    We're in Westwood, which is really close to you and ours came out fine after spending about 18 hours locked up in the coop until the storm passed. After I dug them out I did add a layer of pine shavings to the run because they don't like to stand on the snow (can't say I blame them!)
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    Again. With the hawk.

    Hawks are by far the biggest predator threat we have, often they sit it the trees and stare at our chickens. Hawks are top line avian predators and much more intelligent than chickens and the only way to keep them out in my experience is to cover the run with chicken wire.
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    Pretty Awesome Free Cedar Shed in Boston, MA

    Just saw this on Craigslist, this great little shed could be a great coop and it's cedar. Needs a floor but they say the roof is good. NAYY just spreading the word! It's in Hyde Park which is part of Boston. Phyllis
  4. S

    What to do when the flock's too old??

    Oh I'm so sorry if I implied you were included in what I've seen other people do on CL! I wish the majority of people who give way chickens on CL were as honest as you are. Phyllis
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    Review by '' on item 'Electric Heater Base for Poultry Fount'

    I've used every winter for the last five years, it's works really well with metal double wall water fonts however it's *not* meant to be used with plastic water fonts. The heating element is on the underside and it has a simple thermostat that comes on when the temps falls below 40 degree F...
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    Review by '' on item '11 lb Plastic Hanging Feeder'

    Another review noted this feeder might not work with mash, but it does work well with pellets. The only downside is the the chickens can spin it around and the wing nut comes loose. I find it on the ground from time to time, especially when it's empty. However, the feed always refills the...
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    What to do when the flock's too old??

    ...old like the average meat chicken. The folks who take them make chicken stock and use the meat for their pets. I do think people need to decide *before* they get chickens what they plan to do when the the lay rate declines. I also think it's ok to put them on Craigslist for free however...
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    Comment by 'SewingDiva' in article 'Coop Du Jour A Playhouse Coop'

    Hi I'm so sorry I didn't see all of your commets till today! These plans are the Playhouse Coop by Dennis Noonan. He sells them through ($35) and he also has a blog: Our coop is about 4 years old now and it has worked out just great...
  9. Coop Du Jour A Playhouse Coop

    Coop Du Jour A Playhouse Coop

    Coop Du Jour - A Playhouse Coop We built a Playhouse Coop, and pretty much stuck to the plans. The roof is corrugated plastic called Tuftex; you can get it a Lowes. We live in an urban area and could not find metal seam roofing for a reasonable price, so we had to substitute materials The...
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    How often to clean coop?

    Quote: This is what I do too.
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    after they are done laying

    Yesterday we processed some three year olds and made stew - very tasty!
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    Found a processor south of Boston

    I haven’t been on BYC in quite a while so if this is a repeat I apologize. Today I had our 8 layers processed and it was a very positive experience. Here is their info: Den Besten Farm and Custom Slaughterhouse 8 North Street Bridgewater, MA 02324 (508) 697-6500 $5 per chicken (killed...
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    Heads Up If A Neighbor Free-Ranges Chickens On Your Property

    I know of two in my experience, one involved access to the property in behind of our condo by the owner of that property - he could use our driveway to bet to the back of his property, and the other involved a pathway to a public beach in Maine that ran through private property. Both of those...
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    How many nesting boxes do I need?

    Quote: I have one for evey three as well (9 chickens total); all of my girls tend to lay at the same time of day, so there is less bickering with three nest boxes. Phyllis
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    COME ON!!! Let's See Some Snow COOPS!!! I KNOW Their Out There!!!

    Quote: I LOVE BOTH OF THESE PHOTOS! Your young egg collector is not daunted by the weather at all. Phyllis
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    Playhouse coop

    Quote: We have a Playhouse Coop that we built originally for three chickens (AU, Orp, and EE) and the coop was big enough (they only slept in there) but the run was much too small for heavy breeds and there was fighting and picking. Our solution at the time was to let them free range as much...
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    Recycled chook shack nears completion, (pics)

    Its beautiful!!! I love your different colors of weathered wood contrasted with the painted wood. I'd be proud to have it in my yard. Phyllis
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    Check out this first egg! My EE Slow layed it!!

    She looks just like our EE! Who also lays a brown egg, a tad darker than yours, which looks like granite and I think is pretty cool.
  19. S

    Chicken not laying in nest box

    We had all 9 using one nest box even though there were three available. I took out one box and then they got with the program, however, one of them still just lays on the floor of the coop occasionally. Beats me !
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