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  • Users: Minanora
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  1. Minanora

    Best varieties of garlic you've grown in zone 9a

    So, I've grown plenty of California white softneck garlic here. But I want to grow some other softneck, and hardneck varieties that do well here. I want to grow more flavorful garlic, like roasting garlic varieties. I fell into the internet hole and found lots of garlic... But it's been hard...
  2. Minanora

    8 week old Australorp - gender?

    I just can't tell, I need help. Is this a pullet or a cockerel? The Australorp, black chicken.
  3. Minanora

    Barnevelder gender tracking. 3 - 9 weeks

    Alright, this is the first barnevelder I've ever had. It's from privett hatchery. I've noticed that they're very difficult to sex and have not been able to identify the gender of this chick yet. We're currently up to 9, see page 8 for photos of 9 weeks, weeks total for tracking. I am guessing...
  4. Minanora

    Black Australorp 4 weeks. Betting on roo!

    I'm raising it up until my sister takes it. Which is hopefully today. But I have a suspicion that this is a baby roo, not a pullet. What do you guys think? I've never had Australorps so I can't compare, one of my SOE pullets always had thick shanks and more development in her waddles/comb...
  5. Minanora

    6 hour drive with 3 day old chicks

    So, due to a family member having a stroke we have to drive 6 hours away to spend the weekend helping get their house ready for them to go home. Unfortunately I will have, three, three day old chicks... I need to bring them with me. I plan to bring their brooder and light; but for the car ride...
  6. Minanora

    20 week old pullet tail down, slow, lacking appetite

    1) Sapphire Olive Egger, from HH. She's right at 20 weeks old. She's much lighter and smaller than the rest of the flock. We have a flock of 6. 2) Symptoms: For the last few days her tail has been down, she eats but with less vigor than her sisters, drinks a little, but pants a lot. Her crop is...
  7. Minanora

    New layer, worm inside egg?

    I have 6 pullets, 5 are laying, one laid an egg in the box today that had no shell, only a membrane. I broke it in the sink and it had what appears to be a worm inside. Any insight is appreciated. Is it a worm? What is my next step? Should I be worried?
  8. Minanora

    Sapphire Olive Egger Egg Laying Journey

    Alright! So, I figured it may be helpful to track my SOE egg laying as they come into maturity, for documentation and guidance. My SOEs are from my local feed store. I have 6 total. Three of them look like other SOE you see commonly on the interwebs. Pretty laced/barred hackle feathers that are...
  9. Minanora

    Minanora has chooks

    Good evening everyone. My name is Minanora. Pronounced "Me-nah Nora" or "Mi na no ra" I get a lot of "men a nora". Lol. Anyways, to the basics! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I've been around chickens my whole life; however this is my first time keeping hens...
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