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  1. M

    What gender are my Pekins?

    These are my two Pekin ducks, Chick Chick and Rose Petal, from the straight run bin at TSC. They are 16 weeks old tomorrow. They make the same kind of noises so I’m pretty sure I’ve got two of the same gender, but I can’t decide if it is for sure girl quacks. And I don’t know what I’m seeing in...
  2. M

    Bantam Cochin or something else

    I got two assorted bantams from TSC and my original guess was dark brahmas, however they seem to have single combs so now I’m thinking Cochins. Does anyone have some thoughts on what color of Cochin they might be?
  3. M

    Hello All!

    Hello fellow Texan! How easy was it to get PT testing done? Chicken math is getting me too and I’m considering branching out into breeding and selling. Is it a blood test from every chicken? How much did it cost?
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    Preparing for the worst with a broody

    I have my first broody hen (Effie, porcelain D’uccle) currently sitting on six eggs. She went broody on April 5 or 6. She has been diligent so far with some help along the way with me having to return her to the right box a few times after she takes her daily breaks and when my speckled Sussex...
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    Why doesn’t my rooster have any rooster feathers?

    I can add to the mystery. I have a Porcelain D’uccle hen (for sure a hen, I’ve seen her lay many eggs) that has a big red comb and I’ve even caught her crowing. My flock has a rooster that she loves and she is his favorite, so she didn’t crow as a dominant hen thing. I think your mystery...
  6. M

    Where do ducks want to live?

    I have two 5 week old Pekin ducks that I need to make living quarters for and I am hoping to get some ideas on what would make them happiest. Currently they free range and have a little stock tank pool for the day and I shove them in a small coop at night. Originally I thought about making them...
  7. M

    Which Breed of Rooster do you prefer?

    Here’s the boys, Charlie in the front and Stripey Pants in the back, in case any one wants to see. 😊 Now I have another question for y’all. I use to keep all 12 chickens together in the same coop until a couple of months ago when Charlie’s flock of 6 got their own coop and pen. I thought it...
  8. M

    Which Breed of Rooster do you prefer?

    I’m in south Texas so very cold isn’t an issue! The Legbar will be 1 year old on May 1.
  9. M

    Which Breed of Rooster do you prefer?

    That’s good to know about Cornish Bantams! I am planning on getting some next year and maybe now I’ll keep a rooster too. I had two Cornish bantam hens and they were the sweetest, cutest birds! I miss them.
  10. M

    Which Breed of Rooster do you prefer?

    Thank you for all the replies everyone! I have had the pleasure of knowing an excellent rooster. I have two flocks and one is led by Charlie, a Mille Fleur D’uccle, who is so watchful and attentive to his two Porcelein D’uccle and three EE hens and at the same time has never once shown a sign of...
  11. M

    Which Breed of Rooster do you prefer?

    I’m thinking about trying again with a rooster. My cream Legbar rooster is as non aggressive as can be which unfortunately includes protecting the hens. He’s a big pet and I want a protector for the flock. So I’m thinking I’ll throw in a rooster or two in my up coming order of chicks. I’m...
  12. M

    Lethargic pullet with blue green poop

    Thank you for replying Tookie! I did give her some ACV water and some nutri-drench and she snapped out of it. She has been perfectly fine for a few days now. I have no idea what was wrong, but at least she’s better now.
  13. M

    Lethargic pullet with blue green poop

    I have a 19 week old Cream Legbar pullet who is very lethargic - she didn’t leave the coop this morning and is still in there sleeping. In the coop underneath her I noticed some blue green loose poop. Yesterday, she slept almost all day in a few spots around the yard, she drank some water with...
  14. M

    Chick behavior indication of gender

    I just thought I’d post an update for those researching on here, wondering how their chicks might turn out based on looks or behavior. Elsa the white bantam became a white Cochin rooster who was getting mean and aggressive to people and birds at 12 weeks - he is no longer with us. Dinosaur...
  15. M

    Rehome Rooster

    I don’t know if you are still needing to rehome your rooster, but this lady/farm is near Houston and might be a good option for you.
  16. M

    What is my 7 week old Dinosaur?

    I got Dinosaur from the straight run assorted bantam bin at Tractor Supply. Dinosaur is 7 weeks old and I have no clue on either gender or breed, especially since the three other chicks I got the same day that are the same age (but different breeds) all look like miniature chickens at this point...
  17. M

    Chick behavior indication of gender

    Fauna, 3 weeks. Cream Legbar pullet from Meyer Hatchery. (Don’t mind the D’uccles photo bombing)
  18. M

    Chick behavior indication of gender

    Charlotte, 3 weeks. Speckled Sussex pullet from Meyer Hatchery
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    Chick behavior indication of gender

    Dinosaur, 5 weeks. Assorted straight run bantam from TSC
  20. M

    Chick behavior indication of gender

    Elsa, 5 weeks, the biggest bully. Assorted straight run bantam from TSC
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