Search results for query: moose

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  1. gila_dog

    Moose the goat and his chicken pals

    Old Moose, the retired pack goat, was the only goat in the pen. He and the chickens got along just fine.
  2. TinyRaptorDodos

    When your ladies need water but the moose are around

    I was trying to bring my ladies water but I went outside and then went right back in because right next to the coop was a momma and a baby moose. For those if you who do not know this a momma with a baby is extremely dangerous and much more prone to attack. The baby is the size of a slightly...
  3. T

    Thunder Moose on the Loose

    My Name is Andrew and I live in Ontario, Canada. I run my own poultry farm 7 days/week. I recently decided to change careers after being a factory electrician was putting a strain on my family life and I wanted to be present a lot more to help raise my Daughter. (1) Are you new to chickens /...
  4. ks chick

    Please tell me Moose is a Pullet

    Moose has always been the biggest chick I have had compared to other easter egger chicks. Moose is very docile and has never even challenged the other chicks that I have ever noticed. In the back of my mind, I thought Moose has to be a cockerel, but I didn't want to face that fact because I...
  5. WickedChicksNH

    Karma...cont thread from my dog Moose's new puppies

    If you're confused Karma is our new little girls name.. We will get her Oct 14 Here she is A day old
  6. WickedChicksNH

    My dog Moose is a daddy

    Moose is my purebred boxer we bred him with a female purebred boxer And she just delivered 10 healthy puppies. There was 11 but one didn't make it We are going to pick ours out this weekend And now moose isn't going to be happy but now hes going to get fixed My moose and mommy and her new...
  7. rudem00se

    Moose eggs!

    Howdy! I always have a hard time with intros, so I'm going to copy my Etsy bio here: "As a family, we started raising quail in the spring of 2013 to offset our grocery bills, and have been finding ways since then to make the most of each and every quail we raise. In other adventures, I...
  8. Carrosaur

    Bull Moose Flock Update

    The terrible two hanging out by their pool. A few from the Nasty Nine hogging the water bucket. The Nasty Nine and Fiesty Five come together to form the Fabulous Fourteen My biggest male at four weeks old, an American Buff. One of the Fiesty Five sitting in my lap looking down at the...
  9. Amanda39

    Moose is still sick! Help!

    Hi everyone, a couple weeks ago I posted that Moose had a cough, I got some cipro and gave it twice a day for 5 days. Then a week later, he lost his honk and started having bubbly mucous from his nose. So, I put him back on cipro and I'm going to give it to him twice a day for 10 days. Today is...
  10. Amanda39

    Moose has larengitis

    I could use some help. A few days ago, moose would be honking and 1 or 2 of the honks would be just air. Just a wheeze sound, but not like the wheeze of asthma, like a whisper. Now, almost all her honks are whispers. I went to the local bird store and they gave me bird antibiotics for an upper...
  11. Amanda39

    Moose laid his first egg!

    Moose just laid his first egg, but the shell was very thin and cracked just holding it. Also, he laid it by the food dish in the middle of the pen. He made no nest and I believe he was probably freaked out! It had a little blood on it like Lucy's first egg did. I'm a little concerned about the...
  12. Amanda39

    When will Moose lay an egg? in the shavings(about 4 inches deep) then she wants nothing to do with it. So, I go in when I clean the pen out daily and get the egg. Moose on the other hand, has done nothing, which surprises me as she became sexually active before Lucy did! In fact, Moose has been "mounting" Lucy...
  13. Amanda39

    Lucy and Moose are growing up and going to a new home.

    I just wanted to update everyone on my geese Lucy and Moose. I was given some eggs from a farm back in April. I was told they were Pekin and Embden eggs. I put them in the incubator and hatched 3 beautiful babies! 2 geese and 1 duck. However, my geese looked totally different from eachother, so...
  14. Amanda39

    This is a picture of Moose's parents. What breed are they?

    ...I had 1 Pekin duck(Levi), 1 Embden(LucyLou) and 1 that I wasn't sure of the breed as I was told I was only getting Pekin and Embden. This is Moose... I went to the farm in which the eggs came from to see if I could find out his breed. There were Tons of Pekin and Embden running...
  15. P

    Needing Bylaw Change in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada

    Hi All, I am wondering if there any other people in the city that are interested in keeping backyard chickens. I fail to understand how they can allow pigeons to be kept in the city but not chickens.
  16. Sweetened

    Moose Jaw, SK, Canada - Market Style Poultry and Exotics Sale - August 3rd, 2013 to the sale! Hi all; Lou and I are holding the Semi-Annual Market Style Poultry and Exotics Sale at her sanctuary, Free To Be Me in Moose Jaw August long weekend. When: Saturday, August 3rd, 2013 from 10:30am - 4pm Where: Free To Be Me Sanctuary, Moose Jaw SK. How much: $20 a...
  17. JP101010

    Baby Moose Frolicking in a sprinkler- Amazing backyard footage

    This is the sweetest video i have seen in a while. no matter the species- a mothers love , a childs need to play and explore, etc- all the same across the board
  18. annabananaandfamily

    GRound moose and wild turkey

    DOes anyone have any recipes for either of these? I have never tried them, but my neighbor gave me about a pound each and I am anxious to try them!
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