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  1. lovingmyhens

    Hiding chickens from HOA-gone rogue!!

    What have you done to keep your HOA from knowing you have illegal chickens? I live in a neighborhood near Houston and I know I’m not supposed to have chickens. I back up to a bayou (kind of like a small ish river that was created to help with flooding. Mine is mostly dry. Unless Harvey comes or...
  2. lovingmyhens


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  3. lovingmyhens

    Help!! massively swollen crop??

    What could be wrong and what do I do??? When I got up this morning she was at the bottom of the ramp that takes her to the upper level of the coop, laying on her side. She could not stand at all. I noticed yesterday after work that this area was swollen and she was not walking correctly, often...
  4. lovingmyhens

    I'm in Katy, Tx-is any one close??

    I'm new to this whole chicken thing and wanted to know if anyone close by was frequently on this site.
  5. lovingmyhens

    adding chickens to my menagerie

    Hello! After reading everything I could get my hands on about backyard chickens, I have added a Barred Rock and a Leghorn to the growing list of animals I have at home and in my classroom...4 turtles, 2 hamsters, 2 guinea pigs, 3 cats, and 6 rabbits all in the suburbs of Katy! I have only had my...
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