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  1. nateschisler

    Problems with new waterer

    I made a modified version of and it functions fantastically. I put it in with my 3 w.o. Cornish X's and they won't come near the thing. I put their chick waterers beside it, even grabbed a few and put their beaks down in the...
  2. nateschisler

    Cornish X Chick Mortality ?

    My 26 Cornish X chicks are 9 days old now. Not really sure what to expect with these guys as this is my first time at this. 1 chick was basically DOA - he didn't make it 5 hours after he got home - chalk this one up to transportation issues. Since then, they have been on Purina Mills Turkey...
  3. nateschisler

    Chicks Arrived Today

    Okay...they're here. 1 day down, 55 more to go. My wonderful wife picked them up while I was at work. I had the feed and water ready so when she got home, our 6 y.o. took them from the box to the brooder (the largest Sterilite tote from Target, pine chips in the bottom, 250w heat lamp)...
  4. nateschisler

    Chicks Arriving Today - Feed Question

    25 Cornish X's arriving today. Purchased through a local feed mill from a local (in the same state) supplier. Other poultry raisers who frequent there, as well as many members of this forum, advocate Turkey Starter from start to finish. So I have purchased "Purina Turkey Starter MP 0.0125%"...
  5. nateschisler

    Tractor vs. Free Range - a manure perspective you will all see, I am quite the newbie. I have been studying this form at length for two months now in anticipation of my flock (25) of Cornish X's coming on the 18th. I went to Lowe's to buy materials to make a tractor, ended up walking out with a 10x14 all metal yard-barn. Before...
  6. nateschisler

    Pine Shavings

    I have 25 Cornish Rocks coming May 18 - I'm a first timer at this so this will be the first of what I assume will be many posts, though I've been scouring this site for a month now and have learned alot! I will be planing several hundred board feet of yellow pine this weekend. Will these...
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