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  • Users: japrasz
  • Content: Threads
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  1. japrasz

    Can you add more chickens to a already established flock?

    Hello all you chicken lovers out there. I have a question for you. I have 9 RIR and 1 RIR roo. They all live nicely in a large A frame chicken pen. I have then because I enjoy them and I sell their eggs. Lately I have had so many people want eggs that I was wanting to get more chickens...
  2. japrasz

    Hen pecking my feet and hands ...HARD!

    I have a question for all of you experienced chicken people out there. I have a flock of 10 RIR hens and 1 RIR roo. They spend part of there day in pen and part in the yard. They are always happy to see me, and I usually will bring them some kind of treat (mostly leftovers) One day when I...
  3. japrasz

    how old is too old to butcher?

    Hello, I have raised chicks for eggs, but recently got some freebies with an order of chicks. Turns out most are roos. I want to make use of them so I figure we would butcher them and use them for meat. They are 10 weeks old now. I am just starting to be able to tell if they are roos or...
  4. japrasz

    Help identify my "filler" chickens

    Hello I got a dozen Rhode Island Reds from the local feed and seed store. To keep them warm in shipping they added "filler." This filler was a dozen mystery chickens. I think they might be Araucana, but I'm not sure. They seem to be more agressive towards each other them the RIR. I know two...
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