Search results for query: *

  1. campchickens

    Managing a mycoplasma flock

    We have about 25 birds-- mostly chickens, with a few guineas and ducks. We recently lost a few young birds in a row, so I took them to the state lab for a necropsy, which turned up mycoplasma. The tech said it was likely the whole flock carries it now. I've decided against culling since this is...
  2. campchickens

    Sick or hurt?

    I was out of town this week, but had my trusty favorite teenager and her family looking out for my free range flock of chickens, ducks, and guineas. Two young (3 months) chicks died suddenly, no evidence of injuries but I wasn't there to see if necks were broken or anything. They were near each...
  3. campchickens

    broody single Muscovy

    I have a pair of Muscovy ducks, both female, from the same hatch, living with a mix of chickens and a couple of other female ducks. One wandered half a mile through the woods and has moved herself into our neighbor's pond. The other one wandered around for a few days looking lost, and then...
  4. campchickens

    hen dying a mysterious death

    Jersey giant, about 3 years old. She's been not herself the past few days, though still eating and out pecking and scratching the ground. Couldn't put a finger on what she's doing differently, but definitely not herself. I just went out to the chicken area and saw her flopped over, presumably...
  5. campchickens

    sick or stressed goat?

    I have five goats. I was away for a few days, with colleagues feeding and watering in my absence. I came back to find my only buck's backside covered in loose stool, and he's lethargic. Everything else checks out ok-- pink under eyelids, happy flicky tail, comes to see me, has an appetite. I...
  6. campchickens

    new chick alternates between being feisty and playing dead

    13 hour old chick: Can't seem to figure out how to use its legs and feet, never really stretched out after hatching. We treated it like spraddle foot around hour 7, and it started hopping around a little bit better. Hour 12 or so, found it very limp and lethargic, wouldn't open eyes...
  7. campchickens

    Is Mama good or evil?

    As our chickens are part of outdoor education and summer camp programs, I have tried many different things in the name of science and exploration. I let two of my hens brood but also have an incubator going with several eggs. One mama was sitting on three eggs. She kicked one out of the nest...
  8. campchickens

    tail-less rooster

    My chickens free range at our camp. They don't go especially far, and in eight months, I've only lost one to a hawk. Till today! A neighbor's dog got out, and had a little fun. I'm not upset, we know the risk of free ranging. Only one is missing, and she was kind of nasty anyway. But our...
  9. campchickens

    Sudden laying after 4-5 month hiatus?

    I have searched and searched, but cannot figure out exactly what to Google to learn about my curious situation, and cannot find my answer on these boards! I have 12 hens (all about 2 years old), formerly a flock of 15 which used to lay about a dozen eggs a day. The previous caretaker was not...
  10. campchickens

    Chickens at camp!

    Hello friends! I started working with chickens for the first time in my life a few months ago when I started a new job as Director of Environmental Ministries at a Presbyterian camp. I adore them! I have 13, all about two years old: three Barred Rocks, three Buff Orpingtons, two Black...
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