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  1. DarkWater1929

    I dont know what this is, so dont know what to use! Fungus? Virus? Help?

    Hello! This is Daniel. He is a cuckoo Marans/Barnyard cross. Daniel has been about 90% blind, from what I can tell, since he was a chicken. He must be 4 or 5 years old now. He lives inside, because my flock has always free ranged. Daniel gets so worked up, trying to fight with the other...
  2. DarkWater1929

    Upside down duckling in the pool!

    It's a long story, involving a dry well, but my water birds' pool had only about 3 inches of water in it. Today, to my immense good fortune, I happened to go back to where it is. I found my mama Muscovy duck absolutely losing her mind in the pool. One of her two adopted Pekin ducklings ran to...
  3. DarkWater1929

    I need input! I have geese, ducks, roosters, hen, and a problem.[

    Hello! I need to hear what you think. I am posting this in the geese section, but might have posted it in Ducks or Chickens, just as well. We are preparing to move. Ultimately, we will purchase a tract of land, and set up a homestead. This may take up to a year, however, as the sale of my...
  4. DarkWater1929

    Strawberry is very sick. Droopy Head AND droopy vent!

    Hello! One of my favorite hens, Strawberry, is in trouble. I did not realize that she was ill. It began to rain today, so I went out, to see that everything was buttoned up. There she was, standing under the eaves, with her beak resting on the ground. I picked her up, and her head just...
  5. DarkWater1929

    Ooter-Cooter-Goose got himself hurt.

    My Ooter-Cooter-Goose is a 4-5 year old gander. He and his girl, Daisy, are sweet as pie to my husband and myself. But, they are both pretty sure that the rest of the World's population, without exception, are evil, and intent upon doing us grave harm. They are both very protective. One of...
  6. DarkWater1929

    Young hen, maybe heatstroke, or???? I don't know what else to do!!!

    My 8 months-ish old Americauna hen has been sick for a week. It began on a 108° day, when, despite many cool water sources, and plenty of shade, I found her lying on the front steps, in a sort of stupor. Her comb was cherry red. She acted as though she wanted the honey water I offered, but...
  7. DarkWater1929

    Broken Egg with Living Chick Inside! How to Proceed???

    Hello, and thank you so much for being here! I have a wonderful little hen, who I just adore, sitting on a bunch of eggs. They must be very close to being ready to hatch, but unfortunately, I didn't keep track of the date she began. This morning, when she got off the nest to do her business, I...
  8. DarkWater1929

    Ground Squirrels? Now, I have to protect against Ground Squirrels???

    Ok. So, perhaps you all know about this, already. But, I had no freaking idea that ground squirrels would try to steal my chicks!!!! What next? Must I guard against caterpillars also? Killer bunnies, wilding around in packs? I was sitting outside with my 11 chicks today. I do not let them...
  9. DarkWater1929

    Goose with pale bill, irritated eyes, and lethargy. Help please?

    Hello! Daisy is our 3-4 year old China White Goose. Just as of today, she is suddenly lethargic, itches her eyes frequently, and get normally bright orange bill is quite pale. Her mate, and our two African geese, appear normal. I have researched geese diseases at some length, but do not see...
  10. DarkWater1929

    Mushy Chick Disease medication choice - please help??

    Hello! I bought 8 new chicks from a local gal. They are now about 10 days old, except for 1 that I believe died of brooder pneumonia. The symptoms were exactly as described. I thought all was going smoothly after that, but discovered today, that a couple of them have pasty butt. I soaked their...
  11. DarkWater1929

    Incubating Eggs that have gotten cold experiment??

    Hi! I recall that, a few years ago, some folks here had a theory that eggs that had gotten very cold prior to being incubated, were more likely to be pullets, if they hatched at all. The idea was that male eggs died of cold more readily than female. It was speculated, as I recall, that this...
  12. DarkWater1929

    Three Questions About Lame Duckling from TSC

    Hello! I am a very infrequent visitor to the Duck forum. Until now, most of my questions, crises, stories and input have related to my chickens. We have had ducks, throughout, but they are muscovies, and pretty independent, hardy characters, so I have not had to do much duck research. Until...
  13. DarkWater1929

    Bantam Babies and Their Inexplicable Plumage!

    I have seven bantam Cochin/Silkie crosses, three roosters and four hens. They all look a great deal alike, except that they are different shades of Gray, with gold capes. So, when one of the girls went broody (I love it when they do that!) I expected babies that look like their parents. They...
  14. DarkWater1929

    What IS Bo? Goose? Gander? Toulouse? Pilgrim? Something Else?

    Hello! I hope that I am posting this in the right spot. Can someone help me to put a breed, and gender, to Bo? We found Bo online, and agreed to adopt "him" as a mate/pal for our African Brown, Mocha. Mocha grew up with Cooter and Daisy, but they are China Whites, and Mocha seemed like odd...
  15. DarkWater1929

    Peach, Pearl and (Really) Blue, Bantam Chick, with Feathered Feet?

    Hello! I bought two Bantam chicks from TSC. I'm reasonably certain that one of them is a gold laced seabright Cockerel. The other one is astonishing me, as it gets older. I cannot tell if it is male or female. It has feathered feet, and although it is very difficult to catch on film, it has a...
  16. DarkWater1929

    Hen abandoned her nest, last night, in a cold rain.

    Our brahma "hen," 6 months old, went broody three weeks ago. We have had dry, warm days, with chilly nights for a month or so, so I gave no thought to the waterproofness of her chosen spot. Last night, unbeknownst to me, at first, the chicks began to hatch. It also began a miserable, cold...
  17. DarkWater1929

    8 week old chick with milky eyes, very limited vision

    Hello! I have a cuckoo marans hen that hatched two chicks about 8 weeks ago. One of the chicks has always looked smaller, and kind of puny. About a week ago, I noticed that the small chick's eyes are milky and bluish. She has to search to find food and water, often missing. I don't know if...
  18. DarkWater1929

    Duckling with severe eye trauma

    Hi everyone! I must apologize for the fact that I only ever seem to be here when I need help, these days. It's just that my only internet is my phone. I avoid browsing, as it is a pain. Anyway, one of our ducklings was, at breakfast this morning, sitting alone, eyes closed, looking miserable...
  19. DarkWater1929

    Q Mereks symptoms, and Polish Chickens. NOT urgent but relevant to my pullets all the same...

    Hi! I bought six pullets from TSC (our feed/equipment, greedy corporate, but convenient and seductive, store) about eight weeks ago. Two Wyandottes, two Marans, one Americauna and one Polish. They have lived alone, together, since. They were mostly in a brooder area inside, as our winter...
  20. DarkWater1929

    I believe that I have failed Emily. Think she IS egg bound. Perhaps too late.

    I hope that this of you who were so kind as to reply to my last thread about Emily, my ailing hen, have had a chance to read my explanation and apology for having been out of touch for two days, which must have made it appear that I was ignoring your wonderful contributions and concern on...
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