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  1. sarahb19243

    Duck can’t walk

    Hello all, My duck Doug has had a rough week, he sprained his leg after an accident 4 days ago and now isn’t walking at all. We have some family with young children visiting. I don’t have any kids around my brids and never have until this week. My rule is no chasing or holding any of the...
  2. sarahb19243

    Duckling sounds congested and has stopped making noise

    Hello all, I'm hoping someone out there has some advice to give on what we should do about one of our new ducklings. We got two ducks from TSC about a week ago, one Pekin and one Golden 300. The Pekin is doing really well, but I've noticed our Golden has had this growing congestion issue that I...
  3. sarahb19243

    Snake regurgitated two live Quail

    We had a snake crisis this afternoon. At about 3:00 I went to go feed our chickens and saw a black snake in our quail pen. It had already killed and ate one of our 10 quail. (We took this one down the road to relocate).We went to TSC to go get rabbit wire to replace the chicken wire on the quail...
  4. sarahb19243

    Sneezing chickens

    Over the past month some of my chickens have started sneezing. I first noticed it when I went to lock them up one night and my 5 month old rooster was panting through his mouth and had a dripping nose. He would sneeze occasionally but he would always have this clear drainage coming from his...
  5. sarahb19243

    Lice on expecting broody hen.

    I have a Buff Orpington who has been sitting on eggs for around 2 and 1/2 weeks now. She has only about 4 more days until day 21. She has been very dedicated sitting on the eggs. Now before she went broody and started basically living full time in the coop, she would be the hen "preferred" by...
  6. sarahb19243

    4 week old Lavender Orpington gender?

    These guys are about 4 weeks old. I am almost positive that number 1 is a boy, but the rest I am not sure about. Thanks in advance! NUMBER 1 NUMBER 2 NUMBER 3 NUMBER 4
  7. sarahb19243

    4 Month old Silkie gender?

    My silkies just turned 4 months old a couple of days ago. I have never had silkies before these guys so I'm having a hard time figuring out what gender they are. I'm almost positive #2 is a girl, but the others are confusing me. Anything would hep lol! Thanks!
  8. sarahb19243

    Wing sexing on chicks

    I recently hatched out 10 chicks who are all 3 days old, a couple are 4. I tried to do the wing sexing on my own and I quickly got confused. Any guesses on what they may be? There should be pics available, some of the chicks may look the same but I can assure you the pics are all different...
  9. sarahb19243

    Incubator temp problem

    I can't get my incubator temperature to be 101. It is either too high or low. Right now it's reading 102, but then if I try and adjust it a hair it goes down to 100. I have a Hova Bator 1602n, still air. I'm trying to hatch around 18 chicken eggs, and they have been in the bator for about three...
  10. sarahb19243

    Does anyone know how to tell what breed/gender this duck is

    Im not sure of any other websites to ask this on so I hope this isn't too off topic. I got this duck from my friend a few months ago and she said it was a girl. Over the past 3 months it has been trying to mate with my female ducks. My female ducks lay and this one hasn't yet. (I got the duck...
  11. sarahb19243

    Easter eggers, Wyandotte, And Orpington genders? 2.5 months old

    Im still having trouble with telling the gender of some of my chickens. Their 2 & 1/2 months old. I'm almost positive I have 2 orp roos, and a Wyandotte roo. The others I have no clue Anything would be a huge help! Thanks! One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
  12. sarahb19243


    I have some Ameraucana chicks that I'm not sure what gender they are. Their combs aren't bright, but they do act like males. When I let them out of their cage the white one will jump and peck at the other male chicks. And the brown/white one has done this maybe 3 other times since I have had...
  13. sarahb19243

    Ameraucana gender

    I have some Ameraucana chicks that I'm not sure what gender they are. Their combs aren't bright, but they do act like males. When I let them out of their cage the white one will jump and peck at the other male chicks. And the brown/white one has done this maybe 3 other times since I have had...
  14. sarahb19243

    Can my 4 week old chicks live outside?

    We have been letting out 4 week old chicks visit outside for the first time these past few days. I've started to wonder whether or not we could just keep them outside in a coop or are they still too young. I posted a picture of our local weather forecast so you can determine if it's warm enough.
  15. sarahb19243

    3-4 week old Orpington (sexing)

    I recently got my first flock of chickens that are anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks of age. I am having trouble sexing the orpingtons, any thoughts on what they may be? (I have 4) There should be pictures available Thanks!
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