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  1. Jenna14Chicken

    Bantam roosters with standard size hens

    Thinking about getting a bantam rooster and have a few questions. Will the bantam rooster be able to mate? (Don't want it too) Will it be able to protect the hens? Will it be ok with standard size hens? Thanks for any advice or help! :)
  2. Jenna14Chicken

    Bargains to put on eggs

    Ok so I'm selling eggs and am wondering if there is any good bargains to put on your egg cartons. Like buy 3 dozen get one free or something like that, if anyone has any plz share! Thanks :)
  3. Jenna14Chicken

    Pricing Eggs For Sale

    Ok so I have a person that I've always sold eggs to, but we lost of flock to a coon about a year ago and since then we have gotten new chickens that have just started laying. Well now I have a few people asking for eggs but I don't no how much to charge. I used to charge $1.50 but the person...
  4. Jenna14Chicken

    School Spirit Week HELP !

    Ok so at our school it's spirit week and tomorrow is vacation day, I have no idea what to wear. I was going to wear a floaty around my waist but my dad through it away awhile back. PLEASE ANY IDEAS on what to wear will be appreciated. Thanks, again please help ASAP
  5. Jenna14Chicken

    Future Coops

    Ok so I figured I would share what I want when I move out and start my own chicken business. Here is what I want, Two of these, one for breeding and one for eggs my one for breeding I will have the following breeds Easter Eggers 2 one roo one hen Marans 2 both hens Welsummers 1 hen...
  6. Jenna14Chicken

    Seperate cages?

    Ok so I recently went to my grandma's friends farm and they had seperate cages for each bird for breeding. They had one rooster and one hen in a 4×4 cage thing for breeding purposes. It was a very clean awesome set up and I'm thinking of doing a set up like that when I move out, but wouldn't the...
  7. Jenna14Chicken

    Drawing and Painting

    So I no there are plenty of other art threads but most of them are old and dead and I really wanted one of my own. So here it is my own art thread, here is one of my drawings I did for my cousin
  8. Jenna14Chicken

    Goodbye my friends

    Goodbye everyone I'm being forced by my parents to leave this site. I've had many good times and learned so much from the time I've been on. I'll miss everyone and having such good times with you all. You helped me so much, made me laugh and smile so much, and the best part made friends. I'll...
  9. Jenna14Chicken

    Draw somebody's picture

    Ok so anyone can participate but all byc rules apply. This game is when someone post a picture and someone else tries to then draw it. I would post some pics but I can't right now. Good luck and have fun! :D
  10. Jenna14Chicken

    Any Bengals Football Fans?

    Guess curious if there is any other Bengals fans here. I'm a big Bengals fan and for those who want to see scores, share scores and pretty much anything about them is what to do here. All are welcome but all byc rules apply. Score from today Bengals: 23 Jets:22 :D Yay!
  11. Jenna14Chicken

    Jenna14chickens chat thread!

    Hey everyone this is my chat thread, I've made one before but it didn't turned out very good. So here it is and anyone is welcome but all byc rules apply.
  12. Jenna14Chicken

    Anyone need help on gender?

    Anyone need any help with gender of your bird(s) ? I can try to help but I'm not an expert.
  13. Jenna14Chicken

    Hen in nest box for 3 hours so far

    My hen (bulldozer) has been laying in the nesting box for a little over three hours. Its really hot out, so I removed her from the nest and threw her outside to get some water. She did lay a egg but she didn't realize or something. I gave them some lettuce and headed back inside. I figured I'll...
  14. Jenna14Chicken

    Meyer hatching eggs for sale

    Has aanyone ever got the chicken assorted hatching egg thing? I'm thinking about getting it if one of my hens goes broody. If so what breeds does it come with? Are they good breeds? Mostly roosters or hens? Please any help will be appreciated very much. Thanks
  15. Jenna14Chicken

    Is this a welsummer egg or PR?

    Ok so I thought I had a Partridge Rock but I've been getting this color egg from one of my girls the color is a lot darker it seems like in real. My lighting is bad, anyway this egg could only be coming from that chicken which ever it is a PR or welsummer because the other breeds I got are...
  16. Jenna14Chicken

    19 week old sisters-bffs forever

    From just little day old chicks sleeping in the brooder together with their New family to now laying eggs and sharing the nesting boxes together has been a blast. I've enjoyed raising these little guys and still am, and I've always loved raising my old chickens and probably in the future to...
  17. Jenna14Chicken

    WhAt breed of goat is best for me?

    Hi everyone I'm thinking about getting a goat but we don't have to much room. I don't no anything about goats so I need some help before I get one if I do. I have a few questions and any other info and advice will be appreciated. Questions: * Do all goats give milk? * How much room do goats...
  18. Jenna14Chicken


    Hey everyone I'm Jenna, I just joined not to long ago and I'm learning and having lots of fun. I think it's time I get to no some people and they get to no me. I am now raising 8 beautiful birds, I have two Columbian rocks, two Easter eggers, two buff orphingtons, a Rhode Island Red,and a...
  19. Jenna14Chicken

    Does anyone else love the song Holy ?

    Just curious if anyone else loves Florida Georgia Lines new song Holy.?!
  20. Jenna14Chicken

    One of my new chickies first egg! :D

    So last night I got a pullet egg and I'm hoping for more soon. I'm so stupid I didn't take a pic of it :( but if she lays another one soon I'll post a pic of it. It was one of my Columbian rocks I named pebbles. She just turn 17 weeks old so I'm a lucky person, I'm surprised she layed so early...
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