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  1. DebraGuittar


    Like any mom or grandma, you have count toes on new babies. So, my a Cochin babies are odd. I have 3 babies. All have fuzzy legs. 1 has 5 toes. Never really looked at the adult chickens, but I read that Cochins do NOT have 5 toes. *Scrathing head*
  2. DebraGuittar

    What is she?

    I know this is a game hen. What kind?
  3. DebraGuittar

    Coughing Chickens

    I had a couple of coughing chickens and got an antibiotic from the vet. Now it seems that one chicken stops coughing and two more start. It has now made its way back to the first chicken. I bought this from the feed store and have read a million (I exaggerate) posts about dosage. All my chickens...
  4. DebraGuittar

    4 Out of 21 isn't bad

    I have a flock of 21 chickens. I have 4 that are coughing(?). They have a bit of a runny nose/beak and one has watery eyes. I got some antibiotics from the vet. I am treating the individual chickens with a syringe. However, this "cold" seems to clear with one chicken and then pop up in another...
  5. DebraGuittar

    Little Red Hen... and matching rooster?

    Here is my new little red hen. I bought her with this rooster. What are they? I'm not choosy on breeds, but I already have to explain "my little brown terrier mix." Any ideas? He is on the left. She's on the right. Both are the "center" birds.
  6. DebraGuittar

    Hello My Fellow Chicken People!

    I am somewhat new to having backyard chickens. My flock of 5 mixed laying hens has turned into an obsession! I LOVE my birds. I have added some new ones to the flock. I am also fostering a very nice hen for a friend. I've also acquired a very handsome rooster. I don't have much experience in...
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