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  1. oakhavenmama

    Scaly body mites?

    Hi, I am dealing with something strange. I would swear my hens’ scaly leg mites have spread to all over her body. I have been treating her with Ivermectin, last two doses two weeks apart in October. I have been battling scaly leg mites in my entire flock with some success. Took her to the vet...
  2. oakhavenmama

    Have you used Ronidazole for canker in your chickens?

    Hi, A couple of months ago, one of my roosters was diagnosed with canker. The vet gave him something for it, and I decided to treat my entire flock of 15 chickens with Ronidazole, which I had on hand. I had used it previously for two hens who I thought might have canker, but they didn't lay...
  3. oakhavenmama

    Sick rooster with swollen ear

    Hi, one of my bantam roosters was fighting through the fence with another rooster. After a couple of days he started acting sick, standing with eyes closed and head down. One eye more closed than the other. At first I brought him inside and started him on Tylan. After a couple of days he didn’t...
  4. oakhavenmama

    Moving flock to used coop in my yard, disease transmission risk?

    Hi y’all, Two days ago one of my New Hampshire Reds died after a lengthy chronic illness. Multiple vet visits did not determine cause of her illness. I treated for everything I could think of and she continued declining. She lived with her sister in the back area of my property. Her sister is...
  5. oakhavenmama

    Missing toenail!

    For the last couple of days my little Curly had been sitting more than usual and was being chased by the big chickens. She has had scaly leg mites, which I treat her for, probably not often enough. This morning I brought her inside to do a foot soak for the mites and slather on the A&D...
  6. oakhavenmama

    Fowl pox support, please??

    Does this look like fowl pox? Does fowl pox cause them to scratch? Please offer any suggestions! Thank you!!
  7. oakhavenmama

    Hen swallowed vomit?

    My Pepper has been not 100 percent lately. She has a history of yeast. But I manage to keep her feeling ok with Acidified Copper Sulfate in water about once a week. Today she started standing around with her wings down and looking really puny. I gave her Monistat this morning and a bath in Epsom...
  8. oakhavenmama

    Moved eggs before hatching?

    In my haste to provide water for two newly hatched chicks, I accidentally spilled a quart of water in the nesting area. So I took all the bedding and eggs out. I was careful to not turn them. No more have hatched since then, two hours or so ago. Did I injure the chicks?
  9. oakhavenmama

    Lice on mama hens?

    I have two broody hens who have been sitting on eggs for three weeks! I have noticed they were scratch around their faces when they came out to drink and eat. I thought they were just preening but noticed this morning their eyes looked kind of scaly and red. I couldn’t find any bugs though. Fast...
  10. oakhavenmama

    Help for Sour Crop/Impacted Crop/Doughy Crop

    Hi everyone, My Big Red (Rhode Island Red) has had crop issues for more than a year, off and on. I could only manage it with fluconazole. I dosed her once day for a while, then stopped, and her crop would slow down again and be full in the mornings, in addition to runny and white/watery poop...
  11. oakhavenmama

    X-Ray of sick hen, is there anything to be done?

    Hi all, So sad to share this X-Ray of my sweet Barnevelder hen, Barnie. Last Wednesday, I lost Lacie, my Silver Laced Wyandotte, presumably to heat. Barnie and Lacie came from the same shipment of birds from a hatchery in New Mexico a little less than a year and a half ago. Today, Barnie...
  12. oakhavenmama

    Ovarian cancer in Rhode Island Red? Please help!

    My sweet Big Red, age unknown but probably 4-6, has been ailing. A prolific layer, several months ago her eggshells started becoming thin, then wrinkled. Then she started dropping soft eggs at night in the hen house. I took her to the vet, who x-rayed her. The vet said her ovaries looked...
  13. oakhavenmama

    Sore foot, limping

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope y'all had a great day. Crazy, busy day to have a hen with a new health issue. Last night I noticed Big Red, my Rhode Island Red, limping again. We just got over bumblefoot in 4 of my 5 hens, which took several months. Anyway, I looked at her foot and there...
  14. oakhavenmama

    Sore foot, limping

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Crazy day to have a hen with a new issue. Last night I noticed Big Red, my Rhode Island Red, limping again. We just got over bumblefoot in 4 of my 5 hens, which took several months. Anyway, I looked at her foot and there is a red spot on one of her toes. See photo...
  15. oakhavenmama

    Molting, less pooping?

    My seven month old Barnevelder hen appears to be molting for the third time in her life! We are in North Texas, the weather is cooling down, and I guess molting is fairly normal. She was broody before and during my vacation, and when I got home a week and a half ago, she had stopped laying...
  16. oakhavenmama

    Barnevelder pullet sounding like a goose!

    My approximately 12 week old Barnevelder pullet has been making low honking type sounds. Could it be her voice changing? I posted on the breeds page and Old Hen Likes Dogs suggested I post here, in case it is an illness and I need to treat. She suggested that I listen to my pullet closely for...
  17. oakhavenmama

    Barnevelder voice?

    Hi all, I hope you and your chickens are staying cool this summer! The temps are already in the upper 90's in Lewisville, Texas, where I live! Does anyone have with experience with Barnevelders? My 12 week-old Barni's voice recently changed and sounds soft and deep, almost like a goose. Is...
  18. oakhavenmama

    Comb scab and drops of blood

    Yesterday, when I had my back turned, my dog did something to my Big Red. She started squawking the loudest she ever has, and finally calmed down. I didn't see anything wrong with her. Later, I found a drop of blood on the henhouse floor, and saw some black spots on her comb. I put some...
  19. oakhavenmama

    Loose poop, egg drop last night under roost

    Hi, Last night, one of my hens dropped an egg on the henhouse floor under the roost. I noticed what looked like whitish stuff in one of their poops for the past couple of days. The eggshell of the dropped egg was normal hardness. Attached are some pics of the scene, some poop from this...
  20. oakhavenmama

    Sick hen, soft egg, egg yolk coming out bottom

    Hi, Sorry to be graphic but that was the scene here this evening. My red hen, see photo, has been fine until this evening, or maybe today, I was not with them today as it rained this morning and I was out this afternoon. I went out this evening to pick up poop and hang with the hens, and Big Red...
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