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  1. SpoopyTheChicki

    Missing Chicken.

    So, one of my chickens went missing alittle after the storm... Me, My Mom, My brother, and my grandad left to go to North Carolina for the storm(Hurricane Irma), my dad stayed home and we get home, the top of our chicken pen is messed up and we haven't clip there wings yet, so, they got out will...
  2. SpoopyTheChicki

    First Two Eggs!!

    Two outta Three of my Hens just layed. I'm excited about that!! Picture of course!!
  3. SpoopyTheChicki

    Brown Leghorn going Blind?!!

    I have a Brown Leghorn (hen) that is going blind?? This is just so sudden, she was fine yesterday.... I can give you my thought on it and I'm thinking the Asian Chicken is bullying the Brown Leghorn. I watched a little bit and Echo(Asian Chicken) pecked at Road Runners (Brown Leghorn) eyes...
  4. SpoopyTheChicki

    These are hens?

    This is a hen? I've got two and someone said they are Brown Leghorn hens?
  5. SpoopyTheChicki

    Rooster crowing?

    So, my rooster is CONSTANTLY crowing is that normally behavior? So, if it's not, is there something wrong with him? Any advice?
  6. SpoopyTheChicki

    I'm getting more chicks.

    So, i'm getting more chicks and I was wondering... when the chicks get bigger do they have to have another pin from the older ones we have? Just a quick question before I get more.
  7. SpoopyTheChicki

    3 Roosters, 2 Hens

    So, I've got 3 Roos and 2 Hens, isn't that something? I obviously knew I got 1 Roo, but 3!? So, I just wanted to update y'all on my chickens since I haven't been on here or updated in awhile. :) That's it for now. I'll get pics tomorrow if y'all would like. :D By the way, is that gonna be okay...
  8. SpoopyTheChicki

    4-5 weeks old chicks and outside pin?

    So, I've said this before I am new to chicken owning!! How old do chicks have to be until they are ready to go outside by themselves? I heard they have to be 10 weeks, is that true? Any other questions? Just ask! :)
  9. SpoopyTheChicki

    My chick was sick..

    So, I had 6 chicks (5 now) and I just wanted to know if anyone could tell me what was wrong with her... Symptoms: She wouldn't walk or stand, She was laying over on her side, Weak, She wouldn't drink but she'd eat. But she has been "gone" 5 days now and it's just killing me what happened to...
  10. SpoopyTheChicki

    Hi, new here.

    Hi, new here, and don't mind my name, I wanna change it anyways, unless ya'll think it's okay, but new here and don't know much. I am a first time chicken owner. :) ~SpoopyTheChicki
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