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  • Users: T Hi
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  1. T Hi

    What we will do for our ducks!! Funny pics!

    This is just kind of funny and only other duck loving folks would understand...... Peaceful tranquil place of relaxation for Mom..... ahhh..... Bad case of hatchititis!! Aka..... bad case of loving hatching my own ducks!!!! It does work pretty good for a brooder though!! Way...
  2. T Hi

    Runner duckling has its head hanging! What is it?

    My neighbor has 2 runner ducklings that are a few weeks old. They were fine up until today! 1 of them has its head sideways and kind of hanging. It looks like it is looking up at an airplane all the time! Sometimes it lifts it straight but then back down. It is still eating and drinking so far...
  3. T Hi

    Thank you for helping me with my 1st Runner hatch!!

    WOW!!! This has been a long 2 days!!! A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped me and answered all my crazy hatch questions! I have 9 happy little quackers out of 13 eggs!!! I'm not giving up on the other 4 till Monday. I will get pictures of the cuties on here ASAP!!! They just came...
  4. T Hi

    My 1st batch of Runners are pipping!!! HELP!!

    How long will it take from Pip, Zip, Hatch? My temp is 98* and humidity is 65%-70%. I'm using a LG still air bator. Give me advice!! What should I do next??? AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! I'm so excited!!!!! I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight!! I'm setting up camp in the bathroom next to the...
  5. T Hi

    What is the hardest part of incubating duck eggs?

    I have 14 of my black runner duck eggs in a still air incubator. I was very skeptical that they would even start to develop but to my surprise 13 of them have the spider vein thing with a beating red spot in the middle! The temp of the bator is staying steady and the humidity is about 60%. I'm...
  6. T Hi

    Best incubator to use for duck eggs?

    So I am going to get crazy and try to hatch some Indian Runner ducklings!!! Incubators are expensive and have so many different options! PLEASE- Chime in and give me any advice!!!! What have you found to work the best and easiest? Thanks!
  7. T Hi

    Reporting spam

    I hit the "report" button on a post that I saw that is VERY suspicious. I did not know if there is someone or somewhere else that I should report this. I do not want any garbage on our site! Washingtonians Thread Page #2043 Post #20424 User registered 2-18-11 Posted on 2-18-11 at 11:26am...
  8. T Hi


    I was just wondering what happened to chat? Is it just system updates or is getting deleted all together? It says it would be back up but it has been a couple days...
  9. T Hi

    Ok Everyone! Post cute snow/winter pics!

    "Mom! Where did all the yummy grass go?" I love cute ducky butts!
  10. T Hi

    BYC duck lover gear?

    Hey Nifty! Will BYC ever carry any of your cool wearables for us duck lovers? I was so hoping that you guys would have a "my pet makes my breakfast" with ducks on it!! Or, something else fun for those of us who only have ducks! Please!!!!!! Thank you!
  11. T Hi

    To wash or not to wash?How to store fresh eggs?And other egg Questions

    So my runner female has laid 4 eggs in the last 5 days. WooooHoooo!!!! If I am keeping them to eat and storing them in the fridge do I wash them off with soap and water before putting them in a carton in the fridge? How long do they last in the fridge before I should throw them out? My Dove...
  12. T Hi

    Our 1st egg!!! With picture!

    Our first egg!!!! It looks white in the picture but it is actually a pale green!! So pretty! We had an egg celebration with extra peas and lettuce! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!! Now what to do with it! I heard that you shouldn't eat the first couple eggs, so I will probably blow...
  13. T Hi

    How long till eggs are no longer fertile?

    My runner ducks are about 17 1/2 weeks old. The 3 females have not started laying yet. I have 1 drake that is mating with 1 of my females but not the other 2. I want to see if she will hatch out any ducklings. I also want eggs for eating but I kinda don't want fertile eggs. I do not have the...
  14. T Hi

    Question about 1st time brooder set up????

    Hello! So I'm still waiting to find some runners but I may get lucky this week! After reading Storey's Guide and all the postings on here I'm kinda confused.'', 1) Do I have to use a 250w red heat light? Will just a regular light bulb work? I'm only getting 3 babies and they will be...
  15. T Hi

    WANTED Badly! 3 runner female ducklings in Washington

    I would really LOVE if anyone has a gray (mallard coloring). Otherwise I would like black or fawn and whites. I only want female because I am not looking into the whole breeding thing yet. I want some great pets & eggs & some help in my yard with bug patrol! I'm in the Bonney Lake area but I am...
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