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  1. guardianoftheflock

    Alright y'all. It's go time.

    People of the United States of America, this is a call to wake up. We gotta stop playing around and take this seriously. Lives are on the line. Our country's future is depending on us to make this right. This is our country. We the People need to take the steps to make this right. Or we are...
  2. guardianoftheflock

    Questions for nothern Texans...

    Hey y'all! So my family is considering relocating to texas in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and I had a few questions. First, I know that Texas has them(lots of them) but do you guys have a lot of snake "problems"? Poisonous ones to be specific. I have littles to consider here. Also, the heat...
  3. guardianoftheflock

    To all American soldiers and veterans:

    I don't know how many of you are on here but if you have ever or are currently serving to protect the United States of America, I just want to send out a big thank you. I honestly don't think y'all get thanked enough for the sacrifices you make and though many don't do it for the praise, they...
  4. guardianoftheflock

    Help! I have a request for everyone...

    Hello everyone! I watched this video last night and realized that there are other people who need to watch this. Whether you agree or not is your choice but at least take the time to watch it and mull it over. Please.
  5. guardianoftheflock

    Male quail question...

    Hey y'all! So...I was out in my front yard and I noticed a male quail sitting the a fence nearby. He was making noises so I just copied him and we had a nice little talk:D. It got me thinking though... What are male quail called? Are they like...roosters? Or something else?
  6. guardianoftheflock

    Perosis in turkey...

    Hi y'all! This year I bought and had been raising 8 bronze turkeys. We lost 4 to what I'm assuming was pneumonia. Yesterday, we went out and found that one of our turkeys legs were are bent and deformed. I researched it and found that it wasn't anything like a slipped joint. It was perosis. When...
  7. guardianoftheflock


    I recently purchased some baby turkeys from a local feed store. They were very docile and sweet. I lost a Turkey the other day and chalked it up to being sick since it had recently escaped it's cage and had been cold for a while. Just a little while ago I discovered another one dead. They are a...
  8. guardianoftheflock

    Question about butchering #2

    Howdy y'all! I have a strange sorta question. I've been butchering today and was wondering, should you wait any amount of time before eating the meat? there some sorta curing process? Thanks in advance for y'all's help!:):)
  9. guardianoftheflock

    Question about butchering

    Hi y'all! I was wondering about somethin'. So, I am in the process of butchering and while most of the chicken's craws cleaned out, one did not. The craw was punctured while gutting. Is the chicken still okay to eat or is the meat tainted? Thanks in advance for your answers!
  10. guardianoftheflock

    Ity bity eggs...

    Hello y'all! I don't have any pictures, but every once in a while I will get an egg about the size of the end of a man's thumb. I raise Australorps and Rhode Island Red's, no banties. Any clues?
  11. guardianoftheflock

    How long do chickens molt for and what does it look like?

    Hey y'all! I've had my chickens for about two years, but they have never molted. Do they always molt? One of my Astrulops(probably spelt that wrong) has feather missing around her face, but I'm almost positive that she has kept on laying. Thanks in advance!
  12. guardianoftheflock

    New Here!!

    Hi y'all! I just wanted to introduce myself even though i've been on here for a couple of days. I'm from Oregon and have been raising chickens for as long as I can remember. In the present moment I have 2 australorps 5 rhode island reds and 19 cornish crosses. I absolutely LOVE this website...
  13. guardianoftheflock

    Butchering Time Question

    Hi y'all!! I have a quick question for ya. SInce this is my first time butchering chickens, I was wondering when to withdrawal food?? 12 hours before? 24? And what about water?? Thanks y'all for any replies!!:D
  14. guardianoftheflock

    Jersey Giant

    How long does it take for Jersey giants to reach a butchering kind of size if that is what you want to do with them?
  15. guardianoftheflock

    Ascites In chicken

    Can anybody give me a quick reply! I was wondering if a chicken that has ascite fluid on the meat when butchered is safe to eat. Thank You!!!
  16. guardianoftheflock

    Tainted meat?

    A couple of my Cornish Crosses have sour crop. My question is- Will this make their meat taste different?
  17. guardianoftheflock

    I've got a question regarding sour crop...

    Hi there everyone! So I have like a couple ten week old Cornish Crosses that have sour crop. I cured one with red wine and ACV, but I gave her food after that and it showed right back up. Any advice?? She has to be able to eat until we butcher this weekend(obviously:)).
  18. guardianoftheflock

    After-Treatment of Sour Crop

    I have a 8-9 week old Cornish Cross that has sour crop. I gave her red wine to treat it and it is almost gone. The question that I have is- What should I feed her when she is completely better? What I had done was I had noticed the sour crop when she was pretty young, but wasn't sure what it...
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