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  1. C

    Lethargy and Mycoplasma?

    I have two sick hens since yesterday. The first is acting super lethargic. I can’t find anything wrong with her but she is falling asleep all the time and does not appear to be eating. I can’t find anything wrong with her other than a few mites which I’m now treating. Her crop was basically...
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    Chickens roosting outside in winter

    Every night 4 or 5 of our bantams huddle together on this board to roost outside. I adjusted the branch I have inside the coop as a roost thinking maybe they didn’t like that it wiggled and that was why they didn’t want to sleep inside. I have moved them in to the coop a couple times to try to...
  3. C

    Which Australorp for 4-H Fair

    Let me preface this by saying these are not breeder quality birds- we are still learning and didn’t know any better when we started! My 9 year old has his 4-H poultry show coming up in 10 days. We have 2 australorps that could go but both have issues and we don’t know which one is a bigger deal...
  4. C

    Breed/variety help

    We adopted 4 bantams that needed a home and I’ve identified the breeds and varieties of 3. I’m down to this little guy. He is built like an OEG bantam but I can’t find a picture that goes with his colors and markings. I think he’s about 12 weeks old. I increased the saturation to try to show the...
  5. C

    Bantam chick prolapse? Help please

    Bantam chick hatched yesterday and o took it out of the incubator today. It has a red blob since I don’t know the exact term that is getting bigger. I was told it looks like it hatched too early. Is there anything I can do? It is walking around and acting alert but the getting worse part is what...
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    Poop build up in feathers

    I have 13 hens and 3 black sex links- all of that variety and no other breeds- have runny poop that gets stuck and builds up in their feathers near the vent. It took me a while to figure out that the runny poop was coming from the same chickens. A few weeks ago when I really noticed it I got...
  7. C


    I bought an Ameraucana pulley at a swap meet and as I was trying to look up what variety she is, I started to wonder if it is really a true Ameraucana. I was told she hatched “in May” so is probably about 4 months old. Any opinions? I don’t know a ton about this breed beyond the egg color...
  8. C

    Eggs not hatching

    At what point do you get rid of eggs you were hoping to hatch? Our bantam was sitting on 3 eggs. One was bad at day 10. 1 was kicked out of the nest by another hen last week and we don’t know how long it was out but put it back in just in case. 1 egg I hoped would be fine but it’s day 22 and we...
  9. C

    Viable egg?

    Our bantam has been sitting on 3 eggs and today is day 10. I candles the eggs and I’m wondering if what I’m seeing is the start of a blood ring. I left it under the hen for now but I wanted to see what you all thought. I figured I could look again in a day or 2.
  10. C

    Pulleys stopped laying?

    Some of our pullets started laying about 3 weeks ago. We had started collecting 3 eggs most days, some days 2. One of our bantams who has been laying almost every day went broody so we decided to let her sit on a few. Since then she has obviously stopped laying but we are finding either 1 or 0...
  11. C

    What to feed mixed age flock?

    We have 15 4.5 month old chickens we have been feeding layer crumble and just came home from a swap meet with 2 younger pullets. I forgot to ask how old they are but I’m guessing about 2 months old. Is it ok for them to eat later feed or do I need to switch to something else until they are...
  12. C

    New layers laying eggs from roost?

    We collected our first eggs about 2 weeks ago and know that not all of our pullets are laying yet. Until today they had all used the nesting boxes. Today we’ve found 2 eggs on the floor of the coop under the roost. It looks like they were laid while the girls were perched on the roost bars. Is...
  13. C

    Bantam Breed?

    Does anyone know what kind of bantam this is? It’s hard to get s picture of them not being held so these will have to do!
  14. C

    Weird toe issue

    My son noticed that one of our chickens had a cut on her foot. We cleaned with peroxide and applied triple antibiotic ointment. It keeps opening again and when I was looking at it today it appeared that instead of being split on the pad behind the toenail like I thought, that it’s almost like a...
  15. C

    Best barred rock?

    My 8 year old is doing poultry in 4-H and since I didn’t grow up with chickens I’m learning right along side him. We are s couple weeks out from the fair and are trying to decide which barred rock cockerel to exhibit. I know these aren’t “show” birds and we don’t gave a group leader so we would...
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