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  1. Chiknsrcool

    found bird!!!

    they have a bleeding foot and appear to be favoring one wing. they were found in the parking lot at my job and i’m going to take it to a wildlife facility but is there anything I should do before then?
  2. Chiknsrcool

    eyp treatment or pain relief for hen???

    I think my hen has egg yolk peritonitis because she was waddling a few weeks ago and layed a shell less egg. she is now lethargic and has lost a lot of weight and her tummy is making gurgling sounds but she has stopped waddling. I have been giving her oregano and cinnamon tea and I just gave her...
  3. Chiknsrcool

    chicken not eating but still has energy??

    my hen is not eating much, she is eating some grass but I tried to feed her yogurt with acv and she would not touch it. I also tried to feed her oats and cheese and she would not eat those either. her crop is empty. she was walking like a penguin a few weeks ago but she seems to have gotten over...
  4. Chiknsrcool

    please help!!! hen waddling with tail to the ground!!!

    one of our chickens has suddenly started waddling with her tail to the ground. she is eating fine but the is slow and her friends are taking a dust bath right now and she would usually join them but she is sitting off to the side. does anyone know what’s wrong with her and what I can do to help...
  5. Chiknsrcool

    chicken waddling with tail to the ground

    one of our chickens has suddenly started waddling with her tail to the ground. she is eating fine but the is slow and her friends are taking a dust bath right now and she would usually join them but she is sitting off to the side. does anyone know what’s wrong with her and what I can do to help...
  6. Chiknsrcool

    rabbit sneezing A LOT

    I have had my rabbit basil for over a year now and he has pretty much been sneezing since I got him. He has also always looked kind of sickly but other than that he eats well and has energy. His brother clover is healthy. I’m worried he can’t breath and he has stopped licking my hand when i put...
  7. Chiknsrcool

    bloody black thing from rabbit anus??

    my rabbit has been acting weird lately so I was checking him to make sure he was ok and I saw something coming out of his anus and I didn’t even have to move fit it was just sticking out and i looked and there was this black solid thing in there and the other rabbit had something that looked...
  8. Chiknsrcool

    Misshapen eggs

    I found this egg in the coop today and there was another one similar to it yesterday. could it be a symptom of vent gleet because one of the brown egg laying chickens might have vent gleet. we only have two brown egg layers for sure and one is a silkie so it isn’t hers because hers are much...
  9. Chiknsrcool

    vent gleet?

    I’m worried my hen Henny Penny is suffering from vent gleet. Overall she seems fine, she is foraging and eating and drinking and energetic but her bottom isn’t fluffy like the other hens and her feathers look kind of wet an I can see a lot of skin. It isn’t red or anything and there isn’t any...
  10. Chiknsrcool

    stressed hen in quarantine!!

    i’ve had to put a hen in quarantine because I think she has vent gleet but she is pacing around the cage and crying! is there anything I can do to help her calm down?
  11. Chiknsrcool

    Dead Hen

    I had my hen with me and inside and I danced around with her and all of a sudden she became so lethargic she couldn’t stand and she wouldn’t eat her mealworms and she died the next morning. It was extremely sudden because she was perfectly fine and clucking and walking around like normal just 5...
  12. Chiknsrcool

    R.I.P Cluck

    R.I.P Cluck
  13. Chiknsrcool

    Sick hen?

    So I was with my 10 month old Ameraucana and I kind of danced around with her while holding her in the air. I then brought her to eat some mealworms because I felt bad for dancing around with her. She wouldn’t eat any but she took one and just held it in her beak and she also won’t stand so I...
  14. Chiknsrcool

    Scaly Leg Mites?

    So minky was upside down against the feeder he was fine but I was examining the pictures I took of him and I was wondering what those scabs on his feet are? I have heard of scaly leg mites but I haven’t done much research and I know it would be more difficult to cure him since he has feathered feet.
  15. Chiknsrcool

    Antique Brass Telephone

    I was trying to clean this antique telephone with brasso and a toothbrush but it started to turn pink! I read online that I have rubbed the zinc off and I was wondering if there is any way to fix it?
  16. Chiknsrcool

    Molting or mating damage or mites?

    These are pictures from a family friends chickens who have lost some feathers. What could it be?
  17. Chiknsrcool

    Chicken sneezing and gasping

    My silkie rooster minky has been sneezing and gasping for 2 days now but he doesn’t seem to be really struggling. He is currently in quarantine because he was attacked by a hawk. The medicines we have used are blu kote, vetrx, and neosporin for his wounds. He has also been picking at his wound...
  18. Chiknsrcool

    Attacked Rooster

    My little silkie rooster was attacked by some animal and I was wondering what it could be. When I went outside he was manically running along the fence and rubbing his side on the ground. The other five chickens were stuffed into a bush. When I walked over I saw that much of his head feathers...
  19. Chiknsrcool

    Is my rooster dying?!

    My rooster has foam in one of his eyes and it is swollen and someone said it might be mg and I don’t know what to do I really don’t want him to die!!!!!! His eating and pooping is normal but he Shakespeare little when he breathes. I took his crow collar off and foam came out of his mouth, if it...
  20. Chiknsrcool

    Frothy eye

    My rooster minky has froth in one of his eyes is he sick?
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