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  1. eggsandhens

    How Many Animals Do You Keep That Are Considered Pets To You?

    Hey guys, I was looking at some old threads the other day, and stumbled upon @chickenmama109 ‘s thread “How many animals do you have” and thought “Huh, I wonder how many animals people keep that are considered pets to them!” So, just for fun, I though I would make this thread! The question: How...
  2. eggsandhens

    Why I was gone...

    Hey guys, some of you (@AidKD @cooingdove etc) might be wondering why I was gone, what happened etc. If nobody was wondering, that’s fine I still want to share my story! (sniffle) Ok so I’m sure some of you know that there were (and still are some) major fires throughout...
  3. eggsandhens

    first egg problem

    hey guys I have to make this short bc I’m really busy with dance (getting ready for nutcracker, etc) but I was wondering if anybody else has had this problem with their eggs/first eggs? These two are the first and third eggs I’ve gotten, the second one had no problem (so I ate it). Anyways, I...
  4. eggsandhens

    Ballerinas!!🩰 (and other dancers 😁)

    Ok I’m making this thread for dancers and/or ballerinas because I didn’t realize how many there are! So yeah I’m making this one :)
  5. eggsandhens

    Earliest Layed Egg Contest - *No Prize* - Ends 8/22/20

    Hey Guys! I’m starting the Earliest Laid Egg Contest! The title may be a bit confusing, so I’ll clear things up :) The “Earliest Laid Egg” means when a chicken lays an egg before expected. For example: A White Leghorn was expected to start laying at 18 weeks old, and she laid an egg at 14...
  6. eggsandhens

    How was your day today?

    Hey guys! How was your day today? I was searching through BYC and realized that there wasn’t a general “how was your day” thread, so I made one 😁 Anyway, how was it? What did you do? What was your favorite/least favorite part of it?
  7. eggsandhens

    Different “Laying Ages”

    Hey everybody! I have a question about laying feed. First I want to talk about laying age. I have White Leghorns, Ameraucanas, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Sliver Laced Wyandottes, and Golden Laced Wyandottes. They are all 14 weeks old. I’m getting some mixed answers on laying ages. The two most...
  8. eggsandhens

    When To Give Chickens Table Scraps?

    Hey there! I was wondering when I’m able to give my chickens table scraps? I looked online and it said 3-4 months, but nothing else. My chickens are going to be 12 weeks old tomorrow, and I have SLW, GLW, BPR, Leghorns, Ameraucanas, if that helps :)
  9. eggsandhens

    9 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte

    Hey everybody! I was wondering if my 9 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte is a pullet or a cockerel? When s/hewas about 5 weeks old s/he looked like she was a pullet, but now I’m not so sure. So I decided to come on BYC 😂
  10. eggsandhens

    chickie newbie :)

    Hey guys! So I just looked at my email and saw that I first should do an introduction, and I accidentally already posted a thread :confused: Haha, whoops. But anyway, I’m glad I joined BYC and look forward to spending a lot of time on here :)
  11. eggsandhens

    Runny Poo- Caused by Stress??

    My chickens poo has been a little runny lately. Then today, I saw that when one of them pooed, it was almost like straight water with some poo “runny chunks” in it! At first I thought it was because it was hot, but today isn’t even that hot/warm! I checked this morning if any of them had...
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