How was your day today?

Oh! I'll go! Mine was good I tried wheel throwing clay for the first time today. I got clay in my hair and it was really good fun and I'm about to eat dinner; cheese tortellini with a butternut squash-tomato-basil sauce and a caprese salad where all the veg came from my own garden! Champagne to drink. Very exciting.

This is a much better evening to my day start which included me slicing my side open on some tomato stakes and breaking a few plants trying to sink the stakes in my garden. (I'm ok, but it hurt.)
What a sweet way to start a topic!:hugs
I cooked, cleaned, worked on computer, played with dogs, Talked to Jesus, added a swing in my chicken coop,Cooked ,cleaned again, my sons came over after work to eat. Rode around with my better half on the golf cart when he came home from work(That was the highlight of my day!) The worst part was having to clean the vacuum cleaner dirt/dust compartment= it's always so gross with hair and yuck:sick
Pretty boring life I lead but I'm a introvert so it suits me just right.:D
@cheepteach Wow, your dinner sounds delicious! That was nice of you to bring your hubby to a lunch picnic :hugs Personally, I think tv is the best way to end the day :)

@MrFluffyandGirls Aww, thank you! And wow, sounds like you had a busy day! You gotta love a good golf cart ride :) I’m sorry you had to vacuum, I hate vacuuming:barnie
I’d say I’m an introvert too, and my extrovert friends say that I have a pretty boring life, so don’t worry you’re not alone 😂
There's nothing wrong with a good, boring day! None of the goats got their heads stuck in the fence, none of the poultry got in any trouble, the dog didn't irritate the cat too much.

I sorted through the rocks I picked last week on my trip to the North Shore of Lake Superior. My sister and I made the trip to Minnesota together, and I am planning to make a present for her with some of the rocks and my belief that I am crafty.

And, I am getting to watch the Cubs on TV, Since WGN doesn't carry the games anymore, my chances to watch the Cubbies are few and far between. It's a good day!!
@Callender Girl I know right? 😂 Glad all the animals had a good day! That’s cool that you got rocks from LS, I’ve always wanted to go there :) You should post a picture of the present when you finish it! I love ending a day watching a game (or any show really haha), right now I’m watching the Blazer’s game!
Today I gardened most of the day. Threw some more clay, but mostly gardened. Tied up tomatoes forever, harvested radish and pea seed pods, tied more tomatoes, pruned the basil, more tomatoes.... You get the idea. I also had to uninstall and reinstall the biggest game on my laptop 'cause a file got corrupted. >(

Finished out the night with some online games with friends. Very fun.

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