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  1. Coop-de-coop

    Overcrowding problem or not?

    I’ve a flock of 15 various hens and 2 roosters from merging two flocks. The first part of the flock started year ago August with eight female chicks. With adult supervision I built a coop with 62 square feet of floor space, 5 nesting boxes, 6 windows, and a total of 16 linear feet roosting...
  2. Coop-de-coop

    Crusty/scaly/cloudy eye

    I noticed yesterday on my 5 month old white rock hen, Daisy, crust around on her eyelid and a lesion between her eye and beak. She seems to be using her right eye more to examine things. Looking at the pics I took late this afternoon I became concerned seeing a cloudy cornea and what appears to...
  3. Coop-de-coop

    Sudden death=shock & sadness

    Went out to coop this morning only to find one of our Freedom Rangers, Henrietta (that’s her as my photo), frozen solid on coop floor...a truly unexpected and sudden death...she had been as active and feisty as ever late yesterday afternoon. So, of our 18 hens, she wasn’t one I would’ve expected...
  4. Coop-de-coop

    Herman or Hermione?

    He/she is a 15 week old Cornish X who got paroled at 7 weeks after becoming lame and nearly pecked to death one night. We put him in our infirmary where he recovered from his wounds but remains lame. He squawks hello, tries to follow us around, and, as you can see, has swelled up like a tick...
  5. Coop-de-coop

    Integrating 3 day old chicks with 2 week old chicks?

    I promise I searched forum for some time for answer to this question: how quickly can put 3 chicks arriving from Meyer’s this week in with 8 chicks currently 2 weeks old? The new arrivals are replacements for two who were DOA. I’m thinking 1-2 days on their own to recover from their journey...
  6. Coop-de-coop

    Howdy from Montana

    Hello All-a newbie to the forum but not completely new to chickens. I grew up across the road from an egg farm, and my very first job entailed shoveling you-know-what. But hey, it was more than my allowance. Fast forward several decades to where my spouse and I started raising Freedom Rangers...
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