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  • Users: Jgarza77
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  1. Jgarza77

    Lash material?

    I suspect this is lash egg material, though I've never dealt with it before. My hen Eggo is a brahma bantam, almost 3 years old. Has laid probably around 10-15 soft shelled eggs sporadically throughout her laying life. By now I can read her behavior when she is about to lay a soft shell. She...
  2. Jgarza77

    Hen taking days to lay egg

    I have kind of a confusing situation with my hen. Almost 3 year old brahma bantam. She's had egg issues before; occasional soft shell eggs, and one incident almost a year ago where a soft egg broke inside her and I had to manually help her get most of the contents out. She went 5 days before...
  3. Jgarza77

    Guinea with bubbles in eye

    This morning I woke up to my 1 guinea shaking her head, breathing with mouth open, and bubbles in the corner of one eye. I'm praying that this is only a result of the massive amount if smoke from the fireworks last night and not something much worse like mycoplasma. I have a flock of 4 bantam...
  4. Jgarza77

    Treatment for possible sour crop

    2 year old bantam hen; possible sour crop. Noticed that the crop is very large and squishy a couple days ago. Had work the past two days so didn't get a chance to really look her over til today. She's doing some exaggerated crop adjusting every few minutes and has been having watery poops. I...
  5. Jgarza77

    Passed broken soft shell egg; not improving

    I have a 2 year old brahma bantam hen who I had to assist with a broken soft shelled egg 2 days ago. I first noticed her looking down Friday night, then Saturday morning she was passing egg whites. I checked her vent with a gloved finger and immediately a lot of yolk and a couple pieces of soft...
  6. Jgarza77

    Tylan or enrofloxacin(expired) for broken soft shell egg

    Advice needed. I'm on day 2 of treating a 2 yr old brahma bantam who had a soft shell egg break inside her before it was laid. I helped manually remove a lot of yolk and a small bit of shell yesterday. Since then I have given crushed calcium tablet and 0.1 ml of enrofloxacin from 18 months ago...
  7. Jgarza77

    Manually removed soft shell egg aftercare

    Really need help here. After 24 hrs of lethargy and straining, tried epsom bath, crushed calcium tablet, and steamy shower room, resorted to manual removal. She had already been passing whites so I know egg was already busted. Could not feel hard egg so suspected soft shell. After using a gloved...
  8. Jgarza77

    Soft egg possibly broke inside

    Hello, I have a 2 year old brahma bantam who may have a soft shell egg stuck. She has been acting lethargic for about 12 hours. She started off passing clear/white droppings, and now is passing what looks like egg white. She laid a soft shell 3 days ago and has had issues with them before but...
  9. Jgarza77

    Can i put these 2 under my broody?

    I was just gifted these 2 bantam chick's very unexpectedly. We currently have 3 hens, one of which is a cochin bantam who is on her 2nd week of broody. She's not sitting on eggs and has never hatched before. Could we try letting her sit on these chicks? Do I need to worry about quarantine? Need...
  10. Jgarza77

    One eye closed, red and watery

    Hoping to get some advice; went to check on my hens before bed and noticed one with her left eye shut. Took her inside to look with better lighting and she'll open it but it appears to be swollen, red, and slightly watery. Was fine this evening when free ranging. No bubbles or sneezing...
  11. Jgarza77

    Guinea fowl passed weird egg

    Can anyone help me identify what this is that my guinea fowl passed today? She had been acting very lethargic all morning; not eating much, laying down, generally just didn't look well. I gave her electrolyte water and some mash and she seemed to perk up a little. Then this evening she went to...
  12. Jgarza77

    Is this fowl pox?

    I'm having trouble identifying whether or not this could be fowl pox. She is a little over a year old and currently molting. Never dealt with pox before but we're in South Texas so there are always mosquitos year round. Any advice would be much appreciated
  13. Jgarza77

    Lethargic hen

    Have a 1 year old bantam cochin hen who started acting a bit lethargic yesterday. She had started acting broody about a week ago so had been restricting access to nesting box. Crop feels ok, seems like she's eaten a small amount of layer crumbles. Abdomen feels ok too, although I don't really...
  14. Jgarza77


    Just saw this come out of my 1 year old bantam cochin hen! Need help identifying and treating please
  15. Jgarza77

    Empty crop

    I have an almost 1 year old bantam cochin who for at least the last 3 days has had a consistently empty crop. She just broke out of a broody cycle about 4-5 days ago and is otherwise fine. Bright red comb, healthy poops, active. I checked her crop before bed the last two nights and it feels like...
  16. Jgarza77

    Gritty partially full crop in morning

    Hello, this is my first time asking a question here. One of my cochin bantams has been waking up with a smallish amount of gritty substance in her crop. I know that the crop should be completely empty in the morning so I am worried. She is otherwise acting completely normal, eating, pooping...
  17. Jgarza77

    New member in Texas

    Hi! New member from South Texas here. I have always loved chickens, my first experience with them was as a teenager. We had a handful of RIR and Barred Rock. Today I am raising just 3 byc, initially for eggs, but they're part of the family now. Hope to get lots of great info and support from...
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