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  1. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    I have a chicken walking like a High Stepping Horse.

    My Olive egger Queen Victoria that walks around like a high stepping horse. It's cold here but there are parts of the yard with grass not covered by the snow. She is a pullet ready to lay as I saw her squat two days ago when I was in the run feeding them.
  2. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    HELP! Advice to our Florida family in the track of Hurricane Ian

    Is there anyone who has been through a cat 2,3,4 hurricane who could give advice to our Florida friends facing Hurricane Ian?
  3. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Teacher by Day, 24/7 Chicken Parents

    I want to start a forum for teachers who are chicken parents. Post photos, rants and raves about your day, and how it feels to come home to your flock.
  4. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Still trying to confirm gender hatched June 26. Super Blue Egger

    I have posted this chick before. I don't want to be a pest. I just can't seem to get an EE pullet no matter how much I try.
  5. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    What gender are they

    Super blue egger hatched June 28ish second one is Golden Laced Wynandotte
  6. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Does a Boody Hen Move off the Eggs so They Can Hatch?

    I have a first time Broody sitting on eggs in a location I cannot get to without hurting her or the eggs. Today I noticed she is sitting right next to the eggs. Is she off them to hatch? She was also more vocal today with me. Even started a soft chicken song. Here is where she is sitting. That...
  7. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Will eggs spoil in the heat?

    We have been in extreme heat advisory for several days. I try to collect when I see a chook has laid an egg. This being several times a day I check. I set them on the counter to cool as I always do. Is there a concern for early development if it is fertilized? Can the eggs be spoiled? I'm just a...
  8. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Help, is this a boy or a girl?

    EE Bought online as a 6-week-old pullet Hatchery 12 to 13 weeks now petite Rust showed up in breast feathers
  9. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Is this material good to use as a reflective for heat on the side of an existing coop?

    I have some of this left over from packaging. It's reflecting like a car windshield protector. I want to put it on top of the nesting boxes and the south side of the coop where they lay. The red coop is where they lay
  10. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Is this the start of angle wing? 7-day old chick

    Is this angle wing? The one side that is sticking out has feathers out of the shaft, the other side the feathers haven't formed like the other side. Today is the first I've heard of angle wing.
  11. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Limping Chicken....if something is going to go wrong it's going to be Garnet.

    Good morning, I went out this morning and noticed my Penciled Plymouth Rock hen laying on the ground and not running after me like she does most of the time. She did get up like she wanted to but limped and laid back down. Stood up again and did a little preening. Going back to yesterday I saw...
  12. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    How long cand I feed peck and grow gel to my baby chicks

    I got my baby chicks this morning all safe and sound. I used the peck and grow gel and they love it. I have water and crumble for them to eat as well. They snack on all three.
  13. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    What is gapeworm and how do you prevent it?

    This is what I have on hand, do I need to add another product?
  14. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    This little one is six weeks old. It's a Girl or It's a Boy

    This is a replacement for a six-week-old roo they sent me which was supposed to be a pullet. Gosh I hope this is not another boy.
  15. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Rehome 10 week old EE Cockerel in Southern Idaho

    Meet Lee, aka Paisley. Received from My Pet Chicken at 6 weeks. He was supposed to be a pullet. Vaccinated for Mareks Disease. He's been in quarantine from the rest of my flock in a covered run.
  16. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Pullet quit laying eggs. Good chuckle if you need one today. Now the rest of the story...

    I have a pullet who quit laying after a few weeks of regular eggs. I checked her last night and she had poopy butt. I washed her up and kept her in the house. I kept her in to dry as it was below zero with wind chill. WAIT FOR IT....I lifted her up and turned her over to check and she pooped...
  17. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Triangle shaped object in an egg of new layer.

    Early last week I cracked open what would be the 5th egg from my Penciled Plymouth rock pullet and there was this triangle shaped mass in it. Perfect yoke, and egg white. I would say it looked like a piece cat food. 1 cm sides and thickness of 1/2 cm. I scooped it (whole egg) out and threw it in...
  18. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    12 week pullet can't walk

    She is eating if she can get to it, so I have been feeding her and giving her water. I noticed a knob/bump on one side of her head on top. It is painful to her. It's just above her ear. Is it a tumor or possible ear infection. She had a regular poo just after feeding and water.
  19. Idaho Chicken Bungalow

    Guess who showed up for dinner?

    On Tuesday I saw one of my pullets with something in her mouth as the other three were chasing her. I got a quick glance of something I couldn't un see. It looked like a small mouse. Yesterday I was feeding them and out of nowhere a mouse ran up to me. I stayed calm because it confirmed my...
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