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  1. TheFatBlueCat

    Chicken Math! My take on how use it to appear totally sane.

    Hi all, I thought you might enjoy this humorous take on chicken math and how that has worked out in my flock over the years. Chicken Math is all about using creative accounting to keep the 'on paper' number of chickens in your backyard or homestead flock to a 'normal person' number. Chicken Math...
  2. TheFatBlueCat

    Chicken Coop Considerations in Video Form

    Hi all, I have been working on this video for a wee while, trying to consolidate all the important points to consider when it comes to buying or building a coop. It's designed to be an entry-level video for people starting out on their chicken keeping journey. I've tried to cover the questions...
  3. TheFatBlueCat

    How I feed my flock now - journey on the middle ground

    Hi all, I have made this little film story about my flock feeding journey. I want to thank @Perris for giving me the confidence to 'go public' with what I am doing, I love your article about your homemade feed; and @U_Stormcrow for all the knowledge I've gained from you, you are truly a great...
  4. TheFatBlueCat

    See my composting chicken run

    I thought you all might enjoy this video I made on how and why to use a composting run. Or you might just want to meet me and see some of my flock on camera! I've been using a deep mulched composting run for quite a few years now and I have to say, I love it. My flock does full-time free range...
  5. TheFatBlueCat

    Hybrid incubation, feedback please

    Hi all, I am attempting to make my hatching more successful in my climate. My plan is to begin incubation in an incubator for 10-14 days then move the eggs to a broody to finish and hatch. I only want to broody-raise my chicks. My current plan is to place the incubator in my hot water...
  6. TheFatBlueCat

    Seeking advice on selecting partridge cockerel (plymouth rock, but specifically about the color not breed).

    Hi chicken breeding buddies, I am beginning with partridge plymouth rocks (I already have barred rocks) and partridge is a completely new color to me. I have 4 cockerels currently 13 weeks old. They are all quite different colors at the moment, ranging from quite dark (almost like mahogany i.e...
  7. TheFatBlueCat

    Slight webbing on feet

    Hi all, I have just noticed that some of my juvenile birds have very slight webbing between their front 3 toes. It does not cause them any issues and is so minor I've only just noticed and gone to look at all of them (they're 9 weeks old). My question is, is this genetic, incubation related, or...
  8. TheFatBlueCat

    Lifetime egg laying performance

    Hello lovely fellow chicken nerds. I have been pondering on the topic of the lifetime egg laying performance of hens versus their age. I'm wondering this as I'm waiting for two pullets to start laying and they just will not comply at 7 months old. However, I'm not entirely sure it matters. What...
  9. TheFatBlueCat

    Dodging and weaving to feed the flock, is this going to be ok?

    Hi knowledgeable team of fellow chicken nerds. I have been happily and successfully feeding my mixed flock with a combination of good quality local grain/peas, pullet grower feed (15% protein) and meat meal and seaweed to round out the edges (plus free choice calcium of course). HOWEVER I am...
  10. TheFatBlueCat

    Just how long will a broody sit for?

    Hi wonderful team. There are two hens from the neighbors currently sitting on (unfertilized and I'm sure now rotten) eggs on my property. They have been there for at least 2 months. Just how long will a hen sit for? I am starting to feel very sorry for them, but I really don't want to deal with...
  11. TheFatBlueCat

    Some broodies are.... unique

    This isn't a question post, just an observation about one of my hens. This hen appears to just not quite get the concept of brooding. She is technically a first timer, although she did sit the distance earlier this season but had a failed hatch (through no fault of her own, that time.) This...
  12. TheFatBlueCat

    The New Zealand Thread

    Hi, I thought it might be time us kiwis had our own thread to discuss our unique frustrations and joys 😊, everyone welcome even if you're not from here! I thought it would be handy to share our knowledge on where to get chicken related things like feed, equipment, great breeders we have had...
  13. TheFatBlueCat

    Helpful App I just found

    Hi gardening with chickens fans, I just thought I'd share an app I found and started using, it's called Moon and Garden on play store (unsure if it's on Apple store). It is a moon gardening app however it has very useful note taking features plus general helpful features. I'm also using it to...
  14. TheFatBlueCat

    They have arrived!

    I didn't want to say a word about having a broody setting on eggs after my last double broody hen disaster hatch (all 16 chicks dead in shell due to high summer humidity). But last night I heard peeping and clucking, day 20! This afternoon (day 21) I have 5 little black fluff balls and mama hen...
  15. TheFatBlueCat

    Homeschool parents, do you want to ask me any questions? (I was 100% homeschooled, now a regular married lady with kid)

    Hi lovely people, just a random thought. The homeschoolers thread in random rambling thread made me think about this. It seems like there are quite a few homeschoolers here, if you're homeschooling your kids, maybe you want to ask someone who was homeschooled questions? I was homeschooled. I...
  16. TheFatBlueCat

    Automated humidty, is it useful in already humid climates?

    Hi all, I still haven't purchased my incubator yet. I was going to buy either an Rcom 10 pro or a brinsea maxi EX with the automatic humidity controls, but I don't actually know what these DO. Does it help to REDUCE the humidity as well as add humidity to the incubator? I haven't purchased one...
  17. TheFatBlueCat

    Im proud of me!

    So I just wanted to share my achievement today. I have a bumper plum harvest, got rained off work today, so I put on my apron and spent the day plumming! I have made jam, put 3kg (approx 7lbs) halved and blanched plums into the freezer, canned 6 jars (my first time canning as an adult, I know...
  18. TheFatBlueCat

    Broody hen personality influence on her chicks

    Hello wonderful BYC people. I have been wondering about the influence of broody hen personality and behavior and how that effects their chicks personalities. I have hatched broods with 4 different hens so far, 3 of those hens having hatched multiple times. The chicks that are raised by 2 of the...
  19. TheFatBlueCat

    Once Upon a Farm Flock Adventures

    Hello and welcome to my flock story. It will be about my flock and occasionally you'll have to tolerate news about my garden or general goings-on that I find interesting. Everyone welcome! I live in the South Island of New Zealand. I have a wonderful husband and we have a mostly ☺ wonderful...
  20. TheFatBlueCat

    Poultry transportation crate

    Hi all, I am moving soon and was planning to get a plastic poultry transportation crate to make the trip easier. My question is, I know these crate are not very tall, I believe the one I'm looking at is only 28cms high. Do large heavy breeds fit in these? I understand that the chickens crouch in...
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