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  1. Battlepants

    Boy or girl?

    One of my farm store chicks started growing a comb and wattle before anyone else, so pretty sure I got a roo. Wanted to get some additional opinions. Age is currently around 16 weeks, assuming this one was a few days old when at the farm store. Head: (This pic was from a few days ago, was just...
  2. Battlepants

    Inflamed... ear?

    So, one of my farmstore chicks is looking more and more like a little roo every day. Noticed something a little extra on the head today. It's not quite comb, not quite wattle... ear, maybe? Looks a little battle scarred. There is no doubt a bit of bullying in this flock as this one is one of the...
  3. Battlepants

    When to assist in a hatch (possible bad orientation)

    Hello all, Assisting a friend who is currently hatching chicks and we could both use some advice here. About 24 hours ago we had a pip, but it looks like no zip has started. The beak will occasionally peak out of the shell and will cheep a bit. One main concern in the zip process is that it...
  4. Battlepants

    Speculations on the breeds of the Jackbox 9 chicks

    A silly thread idea came to mind - Jackbox 9 has 5 chicks on the main page and I'm curious what everyone thinks they are: So far, my votes are: 1. ???? 2. Australorp 3. ???? 4. Some sort of Easter Egger 5. Australorp
  5. Battlepants

    Allowing a broody to keep raising chicks?

    So, quick recap on this hens current situation: Silkie hen was badly bullied by both other hens and the rooster to the point of pretty serious injury. Gave her a separate setup in the yard (private coop, private run, can see the other chickens from the run). Gave her some ~5 week olds to live...
  6. Battlepants

    Ms Silkies first hatch!

    I went to do the daily chores and found a half-egg sitting in front of Ms Silkie this morning. In my process of setting up the coop to be chick-safe, I saw a little yellow puffball briefly standing next to her before darting away from me and back to the safety of momma. So, we have one...
  7. Battlepants

    To re-coop or create a small maternity ward?

    Cutting out a bit of background, I have 2 coops because of a conflict between my rooster and my silkie. Coop one - Smaller coop, mainly meant to house my silkie. Coop two - Larger coop, meant to house my rooster and his girls. About a month ago, I moved a fresh batch of chicks into coop one...
  8. Battlepants

    "Are you sure you want to post a reply?"

    Been seeing a decent number of posts getting dug up from many years past to offer advice about a long resolved situation originally posted by a user who hasn't even been on this site in years. I feel like a simple dialog box may help in this situation. In the event that a thread has been...
  9. Battlepants

    4 Nigerian Dwarf Goats (Chillicothe, Missouri)

    Making this post on behalf of a friend looking to rehome these 4 goats. We both want to be very upfront about the reason for the rehoming - these goats have Johne's disease, so cannot live with other multi-chambered stomached creatures, such as cows, sheep or other goats. Additionally their...
  10. Battlepants

    Adding more eggs to a broody - time limits?

    Had my first hen go broody yesterday and deciding to let her go through with the process of trying to hatch. Gave her a clutch of 3 eggs from my flock that actually has a rooster but considering giving her a couple more from one particular hen that I think would make excellent dual purpose...
  11. Battlepants

    The legend of Ms Silkie

    I want to share with you the legend that is my little puffball Ms. Silkie. Through a series of unfortunate (or fortunate) events and inexperience on my part, she should no longer be with us, but somehow this badass bird just keeps pushing forward! Picked her up from a kinda local farm late last...
  12. Battlepants

    Reusable egg cartons

    So, chicken math has gotten the best of me and our little 2 person household is barely able to consume the eggs we get from our 5 hens, let alone then 8 additional pullets that will start laying in the upcoming months. Unfortunately, selling isn't really an option as it would go against the HOA...
  13. Battlepants

    Easy to grow crops for supplementing feed

    I have nearly an acre of land that is currently just grass but never really used for anything useful. Been thinking about turning this area into farmland for the purposes of supplementing feed and maybe supplementing our own food supply. Now, the debate comes to "what should we grow?" I am...
  14. Battlepants

    When should I be concerned about finding bones on my property?

    So, suburb guy turned living a bit in the country. Bought this house around 6 months ago and the property was suffering some neglect (massively overgrown grassy fields, overgrown gardens, ect). Been clearing land to make it both useful to myself and easier on the eyes and I keep finding bones of...
  15. Battlepants

    A "resolved" tag for the emergencies threads

    So, I've noticed a bit of a pattern in the emergencies threads that goes something along the lines of: -Help! -Requests for details, providing of details -Providing of actions to take -Resolved emergency -Further discussion and learning from the situation -Requests for followups, providing of...
  16. Battlepants

    Having trouble breaking up some poopybutt

    Brought home some chicks a few days ago and one of them has a decent case of poopybutt. Been trying to break it up each morning with water and a paper towel but generally not making much progress before the chick gets distressed and needs to go back to her flock. I do know that her vent is...
  17. Battlepants

    So, the farm store had chicks...

    And here they are settling into my makeshift brooder! Ended up picking up: 1 Cinnamon Queen 2 Easter Eggers 1 Rhode Island Red 1 Buff Brahma 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte 1 Americana 1 Black Australorp
  18. Battlepants

    How many quail eggs to get started?

    Strongly considering getting into raising quail, but still really early into the planning process. Wondering how many quail eggs I should start with in order to get a good starter population going. Ideally, I would like to end up with 1-2 males and an appropriate amount of females for each male...
  19. Battlepants

    Chicken and quail in the same coop?

    Due to some recent events, I am mixing up some stuff in the yard. We currently have a 24 square foot coop (with about 50 square foot run attached) and a 96 square foot shed (planning on converting to another coop). Of our 6 chickens, 1 is permanently removed from the group due to size related...
  20. Battlepants

    Will my hen be ok in isolation while building a new shelter?

    Hello all Little background: Our flock consists of 6 birds currently: 4 full sized hens, 1 full sized rooster and 1 silkie hen. As for the pecking order, the silkie has always been on the very bottom. The rooster has just started into maturity and has started to attempt to mate with the hens...
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