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  1. F

    Cream Legbar crossed with Speckled Sussex

    I really want to have some sort of lemon mottled chicken. Would it be possible to do that with the mottled pattern from the Sussex and the cream gene from the Legbar? Thank you in advance! 😀
  2. F

    Cream Light Brown Dutch

    I've been searching for a hatchery or breeder that sells Cream Light Brown Dutch Bantams. I really want the cream genes for breeding projects, but cannot find them anywhere, except on Purely Poultry, but they show sold out for the season. 😐 I'd even be open to suggestions of other types of...
  3. F

    First time incubating questions

    It's day 20 of incubation, but will switch over to day 21 in 2-2.5 hours. There are no pips yet from any of the 23 eggs that had been developing. Should I be worried or just give it more time. Humidity is at 65%, is that too high or too low? I don't see any vents to open and there's a lot of...
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    Silkie gender and color

    This silkie is 12 weeks old. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. F

    Easter Egger genetics

    We have these four ee hens that we love. I was wondering if anyone could help me with genetics for them. Thanks in advance! 😀
  6. F

    Silkie question

    I have three silkies that I'm confused about. The black has a lot of gold leakage on it's head and neck. The pied one I was expecting something more mottled, and the spangled, I was expecting something more like the silver spangled hamburg. Will the black lose the gold, or is it really a...
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    Day old chick won't stop cheeping

    This afternoon, I picked up a shipment of chicks. All chicks seem to be doing well, but one little d'uccle won't stop cheeping. We have a little sugar in the water and plenty of food for them and they're all eating and drinking well, except for that one, it seems to get lost. None of the others...
  8. F

    Gold Neck D'uccle genetics

    I was wondering if someone had the list of the genetics for the Gold Necks. I would like to know as much as possible, but I would really like to know if they have Ig or ig. Thanks in advance. 😄
  9. F

    Buff vs Buff Columbian color

    I''m wanting to start a Millie Fleur Cochin breeding project, but I cannot find any Buff Columbian. Would buff work just as well? If not, how do I breed Buff Columbian? Thanks in advance. 😀
  10. F

    Question about porcelain color breeding

    Does porcelain x porcelain breed true? If not, what would I need to breed it with? Thanks in advance!
  11. F

    Need help sexing a polish and a cochin

    I have a 10 week old Cochin and a 7 week old polish. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. Thank you. 😀
  12. F

    Need help with my unknown chick

    Hello. I got this chick around 6 weeks ago at a chick days. I picked it up from a box of Lakenvelders, but it's obviously not that. Can anyone help me with what it is and the gender? It has a crest and 5 toes.
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