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  • Users: Cedargrove
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  1. C

    Is this bumblefoot? Help!

    Noticed my chicken with a slight limp this evening before going in to roost. Acting fine otherwise. Just got her off the roost because I couldn’t catch her earlier and these are pics of her feet. She seems to be favoring the right-they both have these rough black spots but the right has what...
  2. C

    Longest you can go between valbazen doses

    I can treat today or tomorrow but 10 days from either of those I will not be here. Would it be best to treat tomorrow and day 12 or wait until Tuesday and be able to retreat at day 10? All my chickens seem healthy (minus ridiculous pecking order/behavior issues). I found one roundworm in a...
  3. C

    B deficiency-need dosing advice

    I have a hen who after ruling out everything else seems to have a bdeficiency. I have human b complex- can I just pop a portion of a tablet in her beak instead of putting it crushed in food? If so how much, how frequently?
  4. C

    Bald chickens-bullying

    I have 7 chickens adopted from 2 separate flocks a little less than a year ago. Two (first flock) are presumed top of the pecking order. Other five which are second flock and younger seem to have varying degrees of head and neck baldness. I thought it was one from the older flock but my son...
  5. C

    Aviary netting: 1 inch or 2 inch weave?

    trying to figure out the best netting to get - this setup is in the woods with a lot of tree cover and will be attached to trees. i am obviously wanting to keep out the flying creatures but i guess there's also the possibility a climbing creature could move through the trees and drop down onto...
  6. C

    Combining aviary netting with electric net fencing

    Any tips on adding aviary netting to a run that’s only boundary is electric net fencing (no permanent, hard fencing)? This run is in the woods so the netting will be attached to tree trunks. My main questions are around the netting draping down the perimeter-1. Should it drape? 2. If it does...
  7. C

    Hawk-proofing a run that’s in the woods and need recommendations for your favorite netting!!

    I can relocate to coop and run design if more appropriate but I’m seeking ideas for hawk-proofing (we just had our first death). The coop is at the edge of our yard but sits in the woods. We have electric poultry fence creating a yard but the problem is we have super tall trees actually in the...
  8. C

    Egg goo in nest, chicken “off”

    This afternoon my hen (adopted but I think around 2-3 years old?) was a little stand-offish from the flock and a little droopy-tailed. I gave her some yogurt and a little b vitamin when I noticed her acting like this. She went into the coop to nest about an hour ago. She’s now on the roost for...
  9. C

    Charging an intellishock with adaptor

    Went out to lock the coop and I see that the battery light is flashing low. We are at a bad spot now for getting adequate sun so until I figure that out, I need to charge with the ac adaptor tonight. How long do I charge this thing since there are no indicator lights -I don’t want to mess it up...
  10. C

    Dewormed and Corid done-new sick hen

    My sick hen from last week better but I have another sick one now. All were given valbazen and will be repeated this weekend. Corid ended Monday. This one is wanting to just stand or lie down, head pulled instead of neck extended. She gets on roost at night in kennel, she’s drinking water with...
  11. C

    Another one down??? Please help!

    Sorry to basically stay on here with constant problems but I now have another hen acting the same as the one I came here to ask about yesterday. Hen 1 (black copper maran) is in the tractor isolated. And I just put hen 2 (Easter egger) in there since they’re behaving the same. These girls came...
  12. C

    Sick hen? Weird head position, definitely seems off

    Definitely something wrong but I don’t know what! I’ve been at work today but my mom and kids report she was like this this morning. The flock was give valbazem 5 days ago I’m giving them Corid water because I just didn’t want to miss anything Last weeks sick hen is better but she definitely...
  13. C

    Valbazem “warnings” have me worried

    Sorry to keep posting and thanks to all who are helping out! I just got home with my bottle of Valbazem and the warnings about not slaughtering meat animals within a certain timeframe and not giving to lactating animals at all has me concerned. I planned to toss eggs for 14 days post 10 day dose...
  14. C

    Worming the uncatchable hens

    I cannot catch my hens to deworm them (except the sick one). Planning to use valbazem. Any suggestions? Help!
  15. C

    Lethargic hen

    I have an approx 2 year old Plymouth Rock who came to live with us about 6 weeks ago. Yesterday she was the last out of the coop and I noticed she pretty much just stood in the yard, eyes closed. I immediately quarantined her in the tractor. She drank water with added electrolytes, vitamins, and...
  16. C

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for having me here! I have a total of 8 hens right now and they are all new to us…we’ve had chickens from chick age before but this go ‘round we adopted some older ones in two batches. We now have 3 that are likely around 2 years and 5 that are about 16 weeks. I’ve had chickens now for...
  17. C

    Poop concerns

    I have 5 new hens that are approximately 16-17 weeks old and came to me about 2 weeks ago. The whole time at least one of them is pooping like this at least some of the time. They otherwise seem completely well. Does this poop look normal to you? A vet did a float test that he said was negative...
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