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  • Users: AKMommaF8
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  1. AKMommaF8

    Anyone Willing to Sell/ Ship Muscovy Ducklings to AK?

    Hello All! I am writing to find other Muscovy breeders that would be able to sell & ship either 1 or 2 Muscovy drakes or male ducklings to me in Alaska. For the first time since I started raising them, I find my self without a drake. I don't want to go locally as most of them are from 3 of us...
  2. AKMommaF8

    Are They Worth Incubating?

    My Pilgrim goose has laid a bunch of eggs, (the new gander is in with her) but is not sitting on them. The eggs have been sitting in the nest for at least 5 days, and I'm wondering if I should bother trying to incubate them at this point? Thanks for your time.
  3. AKMommaF8

    Geese Still Laying!

    Hi Y'all. I have a strange situation with my Toulouse geese. I discovered they have been laying eggs for months now! I thought they only laid in the Spring?
  4. AKMommaF8

    Male or Female?

    Hi y'all! About a month, maybe a month & a half ago (Don't have my calendar handy, sorry!) I traded some of Muscovy ducklings for 2 Pilgrim goslings. The gentleman said they were female, but the lightest he'd ever had hatch. (No, he didn't vent sex them) He said he could tell by the color of...
  5. AKMommaF8

    Can Non Medicated Chick Starter Be Amended for Goslings?

    Hello All. My husband bought a 50 lb bag of non-medicated chick starter & while I know I need to add more niacin for the ducklings, I'm wondering if there is anything else (vitamins, minerals, protein sources...etc...) can add to it for use with my 3 goslings?
  6. AKMommaF8

    Male or Female Goslings?

    Hi you wonderful goose experts! I need your opinions. I traded some of my Muscovy goslings for what I was told were 2 light colored Pilgrim female goslings. Did I get taken or is there such a thing? (The guy said this was the first time he'd ever had them hatch this light, but swears they are...
  7. AKMommaF8

    1st Time Mama

    How often do geese usually hatch clutches? My 6 Toulouse hatched 7 goslings on the 5th of May, and now one of the ladies has been sitting on another pile of eggs! Is that normal? (I've only had these beautiful birds since last year and this hen is a newbie at hatching goslings!) How often do...
  8. AKMommaF8

    My Toulouse Flock w Goslings

    Hello all! I just wanted to share my Toulouse flock (minus the hen still sitting on eggs & last year's baby that's in another pen!) I was really excited this morning because they let me sit at a table I have in their pen, while they took baths and walked the goslings around!🥰
  9. AKMommaF8

    My "So Called Gander!"

    I went out to check on the Pilgrim geese (and the one special needs Toulouse goose!) to see if they'd hatched any babies. My Toulouse hatched out 7 goslings and they all started during around the same time. Turns out "Simeon" is in fact "Simone!"😠 All those wasted eggs!🤦‍♀️😥🤦‍♀️ Now I have...
  10. AKMommaF8


    I just wanted to say that today while feeding critters, as my grandson & I walked behind the Toulouse goose house, we heard the unmistakable sounds of babies peeping! I couldn't see them, as they were underneath Momma, but we heard them. I cannot get to them because they are against the far...
  11. AKMommaF8


    I just wanted to say that today while feeding critters, as my grandson & I walked behind the Toulouse goose house, we heard the unmistakable sounds of babies peeping! I couldn't see them, as they were underneath Momma, but we heard them. I cannot get to them because they are against the far...
  12. AKMommaF8

    Pilgrim Question

    Hi Y'all! I'm back again with more questions! Is a year old Pilgrim gander old enough to breed a hen? Also, do they normally start sitting on eggs in late July? I ask because now that my 2 have been taking turns, sometimes co-sitting on a nest. I thought they only hatched babies out in the...
  13. AKMommaF8

    Flapping Wings

    Hi Y'all! I have 10 geese, in 3 pens. One pen has a 2 yo Toulouse pair with their lone gosling, one has (4) 1 year Toulouse old hens, (They share a fence line as they're new to each other. Eventually they'll all be together, but I'm letting them get acquainted safely. Especially with the...
  14. AKMommaF8

    Gosling / Moving Question...

    Hello Again, Y'all! 😊 There ended up being 3 goslings, & they are adorable! I have a few questions. First, how long should I wait before attempting to move the entire goose family from the pen inside the greenhouse, to outside in the garden, where I just today put up a divider so that the 4...
  15. AKMommaF8

    Oh Happy Day!!!

    ***UPDATE*** As of 2200 (10:00pm) Alaska time, there are at least 2, possibly 3 goslings (I didn't have my glasses on!🤷🏼‍♀️) now, with at least one more egg that I could see when she stood up. 😊❤😊 I returned home from Mass to find Abraham & Sarah have one gosling already hatched, dried, fluffy...
  16. AKMommaF8

    Goose Hatching Question...

    The goose from first pair of geese I got in April has been laying on eggs (I have no idea how many nor when she started incubating them! 🤷🏼‍♀️) and today I noticed twice that she stood up over the eggs, not moving, making noises under her breath. Could that be her standing up & talking to them...
  17. AKMommaF8

    They are HERE!

    Sorry the photo is such bad quality...I will get better tomorrow when I go hang out with them. This was taken about 5 minutes after they were released into the pen. They went right up to the fence to see the Pilgrims (Simeon & Anna) & Skully the special needs Toulouse. I'm praying that they will...
  18. AKMommaF8

    Housing Muscovy & Geese..

    Hi Y'all! I have a few minutes before hubby gets home and we head out to pick up my 4 new Toulouse geese... I had 3 geese (2 Pilgrim & 1 special needs Toulouse) housed in with my Muscovy & while the Muscovy drake was the boss (Pilgrim Drake just turned a year!) I will be rearranging living...
  19. AKMommaF8

    🙏❤🙏Possibly Getting 4 More Toulouse Geese!

    ***UPDATE!*** MY HUSBAND AGREED TO GET THE 4 TOULOUSE GEESE!!! ❤❤❤YIPPEE!!!❤❤❤ ❤Photos will be uploaded tonight once we get them home & settled!❤ I have to talk to y'all...I am sitting here trying not to get TOO excited, but it's not working! I have a lead on 4 Toulouse hens (sorry...
  20. AKMommaF8

    Goose Water

    Can anyone tell me why my geese have started putting their straw bedding in their water? it started about 2 weeks ago... I had to clean their water twice today! 🤷🏼‍♀️
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