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  • Users: affacat
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  1. affacat

    Netting suggestion?

    I have an area that I'd like to expand my turkey flock in during the day. It's a 'tunnel'/aisle about 10-15 ft wide from a structure to a chain link fence. When I let my turkeys out in it without any top coverage they often hop the fence into my neighbor's yard which is a problem because we then...
  2. affacat

    Normal or confused Tom?

    Our Tom was standing on multiple Jennies this morning, doing a sort of back massage. The Jennies did not seem to enjoy it. Is this normal? Failed mating? Does this Tom simply not understand the turkeys and the bees?
  3. affacat

    Worm in water identification?

    This water is primarily for our livestock but I just cleaned it out and there were a couple hundred of these worms on the bottom. I don't know if they are some sort of intestinal parasite that I need to be super concerned about or if they're just some sort of water bug maggot. Any help is...
  4. affacat

    Are turkey chicks more fragile than chickens?

    We raised Narragansett last year and are doing our first hatch. We had two broody mamas each with a clutch a clutch plus an incubator. One of our mamas gave up halfway through and we split the eggs between the other mama and our already near full incubator. We've hatched far less than we...
  5. affacat

    Advice for possible late stage hatch issues?

    We've had a less than successful hatch this year. Too many issues, momma's giving up, rotten eggs getting other eggs dirty, etc. Well, last night we were sure the rest of our eggs in the incubator were failed. We decided to give up on them, but candle them just in case. Anyway, after we...
  6. affacat

    Late stage hatch issues, please help asap!

    This little one pipped over 48 hours ago. At least five others have picked and hatched in the time since she did. Her beak is out and breathing. I just zipped her about 10 minutes ago because she hadn't made any progress. The very last piece I did left that little dot of blood at the top so I...
  7. affacat

    Help with chick failed hatch autopsy (not too graphic)

    I have two turkey chicks that could not hatch. I'm working on one of them but one of them is clearly dead. The chick had popped but somehow managed to get something stuck out of the hole that dried out. I'm guessing it was supposed to get it's beak out to breath but got stuck instead. the...
  8. affacat

    Hatch question

    I have a baby turkey chick that just hatched in my incubator. I also have chicks hatching with a natural mom. How long should I leave the baby chick in the incubator until I take it to the mama and try to sneak it in.
  9. affacat

    Broody disaster, need advice...

    We have a broody in our broody coop sitting on about 10 eggs. She ejected two eggs from her clutch about a week ago. Today is day 24 and we were wondering why they haven't hatched yet. We went in and checked on her and it's clear one of the eggs must have broken or exploded and the entire area...
  10. affacat

    One of my broodies got up today, need advice

    She was in the corner and we thought she had about eight eggs. She's been standing and walking around all day and not gone back to them.. this gave me the opportunity to see her nest and it has around 28 eggs in it. Which is insane. What should we do, we don't want to leave them overnight...
  11. affacat

    Narragansett turkey egg/jenny question

    Our 5 Narragansett turkey Jennies are laying... But all in the same nesting pile. I made 4 separated nesting zones but they don't care. There are 12 eggs there currently I've removed another 20 or so. Should I be removing some? Should I remove the older ones or the newer ones? How should I...
  12. affacat

    (please) Help me design a solid watering system for my flocks

    I did a lot of research on different watering systems, mostly DIY, but I'd really love some help with my specific situation. First, I have easy access to at least one 8x12 roof, and with hoses could get more. Second, I have easy access to a well spigot, so can easily top off a reservoir...
  13. affacat

    Dead chicken, need internet autopsy

    Yesterday due to weather we kept our chickens in the run, we usually give them free range time. When we went to make sure everything was closed up for the night there was a hen huddling in the corner. She was muddy, shaking and trembling, still on her feet but obviously traumatized, and almost...
  14. affacat

    Animal attack! Need help!

    This was either a dog attack or my dog saving her from something else. Not sure. My dog has always been good with chickens, even if they go for her food (which I try to avoid them being anywhere near). Entire patch of skin just missing. I put some On the wound. I have the chicken inside...
  15. affacat

    Please recommend a rainproof feeder that can handle 50lb bags (or, 2 x 25)... But also works for 50 chicken.

    So I'm reconfiguring my feed station based on advice here because we're not getting enough eggs. I'd like to switch to a 'free feed' solution based on the advice of others here. We live in a rainy climate. So I'm looking for a combination of rainproof, low mess (rat prevention), and enough...
  16. affacat

    Incredibly low egg count lately... Too many roosters?

    We have 45 chickens. I'm not exactly sure how many roosters we have currently (I think between 6 and 8 but I'd have to count). We used to be getting about a dozen eggs a day which still seemed a little low, but lately we've been getting 3-5. We've searched the yard and even kept them...
  17. affacat

    Would too many roosters cause an egg drought?

    We've been getting a low egg count for months now. We thought they were hiding them around the yard but we really found any when we looked. We ended up keeping them in their run for a week to see if we could find a baseline, but our count was still low. We have 45 chickens total. Different...
  18. affacat

    Odd egg out... A super bright white?

    I fry eggs pretty much every morning. Today, I cracked 3 in the pan. 2 cooked normal, but the third had a thick, bright white yolk as it was cooking. Like, it stood out against the other two. If I had been cooking that egg by itself, I'd think nothing of it because it looked fine. But it...
  19. affacat

    Does anyone have any experience buying bulk food

    We were looking into buying bulk feed from tractor supply. It would be 2,000 lb of feed. We have 50 or so chickens and some turkeys but aren't sure how manageable a ton of feed would be. Are issues are regarding storage, and basic ease of use, we don't want it all to go bad before we even use it.
  20. affacat

    Question about Jenny area

    I've got some Narragansett Turkeys that are starting to get big and have been building a 3 sided shed for them. I have read some talk of providing an area only Jennies can access. I'm guessing for raising poults, can't exactly remember. Is this necessary? Nice to have? I don't mind...
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