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  1. big m70726

    Southren Living

    This all started as a birthday gift for an elderly neighbor because her daughter wouldn't let her have chickens s he sits and watches them all day unknow to me a city girl I have fell in love with them each day brings a new adventure. we have 10 hens only 3 or old enough...
  2. big m70726

    LOst My first baby today'

    yea I have pics of them on my page but i have them inside and it gets cold but i have them in my bathroom.bring them out durin the day to free range with my adult chicks .
  3. big m70726

    LOst My first baby today'

    yea found them wrapped in the blanket I guess they coulnt get out and was to close to the heat pad .went and got a heat bulb so maby we will be ok for tonight put pine shave in in there and that new bulb . pray for me I only have 3 babies left and lucy my baby goose
  4. big m70726

    LOst My first baby today'

    Thank ya! But now I feel horriable lost another one today. What am I doing wrong? I put a light last night instead of the blankets they stayed away from the light so I put the blankets back in this morning same thing another one caught under the blanket dead . I am just killin my babbies with...
  5. big m70726

    Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

    Ok not sure but I think ppl got of way on a total other issue as for you question and plzs keep in my I am newbe and prob no nothin of what am bout to say but from my heat after hearin your story maybe there scared lonely and heartbroken maybe the need some new friends and anpther roo IDK just...
  6. big m70726

    friendliest breed ?

    I would agree with some of the others I don't think it's the breed I think any breed can become what you put in .I've learned their smart birds.Handle them from early age. all my chicks and roos will let me hold them come when I call go back in the cope when free range is up.But I have...
  7. big m70726

    DUck in my chicken nestin boxes?

    does anyone know why my duck is all of a sudden hangin out in one of my nestin boxes? this week i've caught him or her not sure just chillin in there as if she was a chicken bout to lay.Not that I care the duck is the the other 3 hasn't done this just wonderin why. could something be wrong?
  8. big m70726

    I keep going back and forth...should I? Shouldn't I? Should I?

    I got my first goose by mistake lol you see I thought i bought a duck. My husband wanted a duck so when I went to get some baby chicks I bought a duck with now is 4 mos old is a goose and his name is goosie and I love him more then my ducks I let him walk around with me I can pick him up and...
  9. big m70726

    LOst My first baby today'

    I had my baby hens their about 4 or 5 weeks old I guess they have their feathers and my baby goose which idk how old make same age in a box together and one of my babies got under the corner of the blanet and I guess lucy the goose sleep on her and smoothered her woke up and did my lil head...
  10. big m70726


    Thanks for the great advice!! However these new babies have their fur and they are hens so my flock are all grown and layin how do I incorp thse new ones to the flock? at what age and how? will my roo hurt them or the other hens?
  11. big m70726


    I have 5 new baby hens. their a week old and I have them in a box in south louisiana its hot as hell down here so do they need a light? what kind of bulb? and when do I incorp them into thr coop with the rest?
  12. big m70726

    What do I do to get my birds ready for winter?

    their drinkin water or the ducks pools?
  13. big m70726

    is it ok to give chickens leftover food

    I haven't gave my girls table food but man do they love everything else . it will only take 5 min for watermelon to be gonewith nothin but the rin left. grapes,lettuce,sunflower seeds the lists is endless and they love it they see me comin with it and run to the door. I love my babies their my...
  14. big m70726

    What do I do to get my birds ready for winter?

  15. big m70726

    What do I do to get my birds ready for winter?

    my chickens and ducks are in the same pen their roast is semi closed it has a roof so there protected from the rain and other threats . Do the ducks swim in the winter? their pen is inclosed top and bottom but is open as far as wind and sun.
  16. big m70726


    ok so I put the fake eggs in the boxes except for the ones my hens already use still nothin is it a waitin game? should I put her in there to explore?
  17. big m70726


    here is one set of the nestin boxes I made .
  18. big m70726


    Quote: yes I do not sure how to put it on here these are one of them I made 2 one on each side of my coop. my other hens have no problem except my roo wants to get in there with them I'm guess to breed maybe IDK.
  19. big m70726


    Quote: ok this may sound stupid to you but what is broody and what do I do?
  20. big m70726

    how do u get a hen to use a nestin box

    Thanks to whom all responed. I think that I may have 2 hens using the same box. I have 10 hens and 14 boxes but today when I went to get the eggs there was 2 in one box is this normal? why wouldn't think want their own instead of sharing? I am so new to this and am so thankful for this site...
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