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  1. trish5909

    What to feed broilers to fatten them up?

    Hi, we have separated the roosters we are sending to have slaughtered and are wondering what we can feed them that will fatten them up nicely and improve their taste. We got day-old chicks at the beginning of May and they were all on organic chick starter, then chick grower and at about 20 weeks...
  2. trish5909

    Keeping roosters together

    That's good to know. I also asked a neighbour who used to keep a lot of chickens and he said the key to keeping roosters together peacefully is to keep the entertained. He used to put a big pile of dirt/aged manure outside for them to pick through, and he would thread twine through apples and...
  3. trish5909

    Keeping roosters together

    Well, it's done now... I guess the decision about how to organize the flocks has now been made for me. Our children's caregiver closed up the coops last night but left the gate between the outdoor runs open. This morning my husband, trying to do me a favour, let the chickens out but didn't...
  4. trish5909

    Keeping roosters together

    Hi everyone, I am wondering how to organize my flock with the least amount of stress & fighting. We've only ever had hens. Last winter we hatched some eggs and got 3 roosters to add to our 22 hens. The roosters get alone fine together. In May, we got 60 day-old birds (unsexed) and have a...
  5. trish5909

    Looking for chicks near Kingston, Ontario

    Hi, I just picked up more than 60 chicks from Performance Poultry, which is in Carrying Place between Brighton and Belleville. Probably around 90 minutes from you. Check out their website -- they have lots of great varieties of chicks. Ours are all healthy & vigorous. The only problem is they...
  6. trish5909


    Hi Everyone: We're in Erin, about an hour NW of Toronto. We got our first chickens last year: 12 Red Sex Links from Freys and 12 Chantecler pullets from a breeder (from which we hatched 7 eggs because the pullets had been kept with roosters). Just last week we got 62 chicks from Performance --...
  7. trish5909

    Review by '' on item 'Chantecler'

    We got our first 12 pullets in the fall. Maybe it was the time of year but we had problems with illness and now only have 8 left. They are supposed to be very winter hardy but they are the last to leave the coop on cold days, while our Red Sex Links (much smaller) are out in all kinds of...
  8. trish5909

    Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

    Hi, it really does cost a lot more to raise happy, healthy, hormone- and pesticide-free birds. First, factory farms make their profits on economies of scale. They have many thousands of birds in a very confined area -- cages so small the birds can't even stand up straight or turn around. They...
  9. trish5909

    Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

    greenrfamilyfarm: Maybe you could have said she only lays Easter Eggs -- like the Cadbury Creme Eggs, in the commercial!
  10. trish5909

    springtime post your new chick pics

    These chicks are all about a week old now: 18 Buff Orpingtons, 18 Jersey Giants, 8 White Chanteclers, 8 Partridge Chanteclers, 12 Ameraucanas. Every time I look at them they seem bigger!
  11. trish5909

    Comment by 'trish5909' in article 'Adding To Your Flock'

    Right now, we are in the middle of a (so far) completely peaceful integration of our 2 flocks. One flock consists of 20 birds we got as pullets last year and the other is 7 birds we hatched from eggs produced by the pullets. The young ones are 6 months old now and there are 3 roosters & 4 hens...
  12. trish5909

    Introducing a rooster

    Yes, there is only one rooster but he will be very young so I don't know how he or the other hens will react -- I've been reading about other people's experiences on this site and now I'm nervous! I'll make sure to put the feed & waterers well spaced out. Thank you!
  13. trish5909

    Introducing a rooster

    We got a dozen Chantecler pullets last October to join our dozen year-old Red Sex Links. Their eggs had been fertilized so we decided to incubate some of them and hatched 7 chicks in November. We've managed to keep them warm & healthy all winter and one of them is a rooster. So far, we've kept...
  14. trish5909

    Very sick -- Could it be constipation?

    I just got her to drink some more of the water containing electrolytes and antibiotics. She is now eating and seems brighter but is still waddling when she walks. She had a watery yellow liquid squirt out of her twice last night -- not much, it wouldn't fit inside a whole egg -- but there were...
  15. trish5909

    Very sick -- Could it be constipation?

    Please help! I have noticed a chicken nesting on the floor of the coop, on and off, for a couple of days but she didn't seem to be in discomfort & seemed to be eating. Yesterday it was obvious she was in distress -- wings out, walking with a funny waddle, tail down. I thought she was eggbound...
  16. Default


  17. trish5909

    Extra vitamins for egg layers in winter?

    Thanks for the input. I've been giving them carrots, cabbage and other fruit & veggie peelings but I'll add some of the other things listed. I put out some corn for them in the yard yesterday. Most of the people I know who have chickens don't keep them over the winter -- they buy pullets in the...
  18. trish5909

    Extra vitamins for egg layers in winter?

    Hi, I have a dozen Red Sex Links and 10 Chantecler hens. I had been told that the Red Sex Links stop laying in winter, and only lay regularly for about a year. I got them as pullets in the spring and they are still laying regularly even though it's now December and below freezing. To top it off...
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