What to feed broilers to fatten them up?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 28, 2011
Erin, Ontario, Canada
Hi, we have separated the roosters we are sending to have slaughtered and are wondering what we can feed them that will fatten them up nicely and improve their taste. We got day-old chicks at the beginning of May and they were all on organic chick starter, then chick grower and at about 20 weeks went to an organic layer mash. We are now back to organic grower ration for the roos (the feed store doesn't have a broiler mash that is organic) and are wondering if we can supplement with anything that will stimulate their appetites and help them grow a bit more, i.e., I have read that you can give them yogurt or cottage cheese? We are hoping to have them ready in 3-4 weeks.

Thanks for any advice.
To improve the taste, feed them corn and fruit.

To fatten them, feed them beef fat (It MUST be cooked or else they will get sick), tomatos, pizza crust, and (This works best for me) soft pepperoni.
Turkey food for high protein and corn for the carbs and fat? Not big into broilers, but you get the good in both.

Edit: I think they sell feed for meat birds many brands has this that has high protein and high fat, try that.
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I feed mine leftover raw meat bones to pick clean and they don't appear to get sick. They eat frogs, worms, bugs and Lord knows what else when I'm not watching.

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