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  1. mylittlehof

    Chicken run a pile of mud - what is best covering / material?

    We are in an El Nino in our area now and so my normally dry chicken run is a big muddy mess - I tried a search for materials to use, but couldn't come up with the right combo of words to find useful information, so I'm putting the question to all you wonderful chicken experts: what is a good...
  2. mylittlehof

    could my chickens be eating their own eggs?

    I've found an egg open and empty in the nests several days in a row now. Could one of the chickens be eating the eggs or some other critter creeping in and eating it? The fencing around the coop could allow a rat or small mammal in the coop. Thanks
  3. mylittlehof

    If a hen gets broody does she stop laying eggs?

    Man I LOVE this forum - any question I have, ya'll immediately answer and may my day!!! Thanks for the information.
  4. mylittlehof

    If a hen gets broody does she stop laying eggs?

    I have a Buff Orpington who has decided she needs to keep the golf ball in the nest very warm and periodically one of her other lady friends will deposit one in there for her to sit on too - but she hasn't laid in a while - when they get broody, do they stop laying eggs or should I be looking...
  5. mylittlehof

    can you incubate chicken and guinea eggs at the same time?

    Update on the Guinea eggs: 17 eggs hatched from the incubator - we put them in with already warming chicken eggs. Only a few of the chick eggs hatched. According to the AG agent - we "cross-contaminated" the chicken eggs and that is why they didn't hatch. The Guinea keets all found homes as...
  6. mylittlehof

    can you incubate chicken and guinea eggs at the same time?

    Thanks for all your help! It does all make sense.
  7. mylittlehof

    can you incubate chicken and guinea eggs at the same time?

    I found our Guinea's nest and wanted to add the eggs to a Kindergarten teacher friend of mine who is starting a batch of Chicken eggs for her class on Monday - can I add the Guinea eggs in with her chicken eggs? Thanks!
  8. mylittlehof

    Guinea was sitting on 14 eggs, tonight she isn't, will they be viable

    So if I take them and put them in an incubator now they would hatch?
  9. mylittlehof

    Guinea was sitting on 14 eggs, tonight she isn't, will they be viable

    Yesterday was the first time I had seen her setting on them - she had been up and around a bunch in the previous days - I am not sure if she roosted with the boys or not - I had not been checking until last night. I am so new to this nesting process - is there a time the eggs are not always set...
  10. mylittlehof

    Guinea was sitting on 14 eggs, tonight she isn't, will they be viable

    I found my Guinea's nest and then thought I would protect her and put up some wire overhead, but left a way into the eggs. she didn't go back to them tonight and is roosting with the males - will the eggs "die" overnight and not be viable now?
  11. mylittlehof

    I got my first egg!!

    Yeah!! My Stars have given me some eggs, but still waiting on my Americauna to show me the blue! How old is she?
  12. mylittlehof

    Hen injured and not walking on leg - can she live/lay etc?

    Thanks for the information! She didn't have an infection - I got some puffer antibiotics from the feed store and it seemed to keep any away. Can you give me a good idea of what I could feed her for protein (besides egg - I'm enjoying the ones I get from the other girls -
  13. mylittlehof

    Hen injured and not walking on leg - can she live/lay etc?

    I had my Chickens attacked one early AM - one taken and one hurt over a month ago (it was my fault it happened, which I am still mad at myself for it). The one was very badly hurt is eating/drinking and hopping around on the floor of the coop and even getting down into the yard (about a 2...
  14. mylittlehof

    Finally! I got my first egg!

    I just got my first this week - I ran into the house for the camera to take a pic - it was sooo cool!! It is such a great feeling - congrats!
  15. mylittlehof

    1st egg - can I eat it?

    I got my first two eggs the past two days and then another today - We scrambled and divided the first two among the family members last night. No ill side affects - I sure hope it was ok! They were yummy!
  16. mylittlehof

    17 out of 19

    Congrats!! I'm excited for you - I have one girl who just started laying - the others are still maturing and she has given me 3 for 3 days of eggs!! I'm so excited! I can understand why you're braggin' - go for it!
  17. mylittlehof

    First Egg!! 24 weeks this week

    I am not sure who gave it to me - All look ready to lay - The Ameraucana's feather was beside the egg, but I doubt if that is the most telling sign. I praised them all for being such goooood birds! OOPs - just looked up and saw that Ameraucanas lay blue-green eggs, this one is definately...
  18. mylittlehof

    First Egg!! 24 weeks this week

    I'm so excited - got the first one this morning!! - in the nesting box! Take a look!!
  19. mylittlehof

    Ist this a roo?

    oo ooo ooooo ya'll are getting me most excited about getting my first eggs!! Can not wait! Thanks for all you responses!
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