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  1. cecilia501

    Pullet found dead, please help!!

    My friend came home yesterday to find one of her five 6 month old pullets dead on her back under the nest box (in a chicken tractor- safe from predators). She was a Buff Orpington that had recently started laying. She was healthy that morning, everyone was eating well, no diarrhea, ect. She...
  2. cecilia501

    Need advice on feather picking-sorry so long! :)

    Thanks for the feedback! I have some platforms out there but they seem to just ignore them. They only sleep and lay eggs in the coop- do you think 4 sqft per hen coop space and 28 sqft per hen run space (when we aren't home- other wise, they are out in the yard) is not enough? I know more is...
  3. cecilia501

    Need advice on feather picking-sorry so long! :)

    I have read all the posts I can find on the topic of feather picking and gathered lots of good advice, but I still have some questions. I have 5 hens (2 adults and 3 6-month-old pullets) that live in an enclosed 10x16 run with a 5x4 coop. They are allowed out to free roam whenever we are home...
  4. cecilia501

    Calcium and chicks...

    Thanks for the feedback! I'll just keep feed them separate so they are as healthy as possible.
  5. cecilia501

    OK to give chick starter to ducklings?

    I think I remember reading that it is bad for ducklings to eat the medicated chick starter, but unmedicated is ok. You might want to get more info on this though since I'm not positive.
  6. cecilia501

    Calcium and chicks...

    I was wondering if anybody knew at what age it is ok for growing chicks to get the extra calcium in a layer feed without hurting their kidneys. Do they need to be laying eggs or just around that age (18 wks or so)? I have two laying hens and three 12 week old chicks and I wondered when I could...
  7. cecilia501

    Does this sound like spraddle legs?

    I have a 4 day old Black Australorp chick that seems very active and healthy but after she walks around for a bit she always sits down on her hocks. She can stand up just fine (even on slippery surfaces) and can run good (and fast) but when she stops she always sinks down onto her hocks. Then...
  8. cecilia501

    Can bantum hens be kept with heavy breed hens?

    Thanks for the replies! I'll take them into consideration! I'm so excitied to get some new chicks!!
  9. cecilia501

    Can bantum hens be kept with heavy breed hens?

    I have one Plymouth Rock hen and one Rhode Island Red hen and am wanting to get two more chicks this spring. I was wondering if it is ok to have bantum pullets in with them. The Plymouth Rock is pretty bossy so I don't know if size is important to chickens (if she would pick on the bantums...
  10. cecilia501

    Chick poop!

    Thank you!! I was just reading some other posts and saw that others had asked the same question before. Oops! Thank you for taking the time to respond though...
  11. cecilia501

    Chick poop!

    Hi- I've got a question about my chicks poop! I have my first ever baby chicks, one Rhode Island Red and one Plymouth Rock, both 3 weeks old now. I got them when they were a day old. I am keeping them inside, in a plastic storage container with pine shavings (changed daily), a heat lamp...
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