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  1. ilovedragons2

    New chick

    Second chick hatched overnight. Completely different from the first! I have many different breeds of hens and two completely different roosters. Thanks for the info!!
  2. ilovedragons2

    New chick

    I have a broody hen that I have allowed to sit on 4 eggs. I just found out that one of them is about to hatch. I can hear scratching/peeping in the shell. I am wondering if I need to do anything special or if mom will make sure it gets feed. I really didn't expect this to happen because the...
  3. ilovedragons2

    Unexpected rooster

    Louie has 7 girls. I had thought that Amelio was just an aggressive hen and separated him for re-set the pecking order. I'm just undecided on what to do. I'm leaning toward making another small coop/run inside the bigger one just for him. I'm worried that he's so aggressive in his mating...
  4. ilovedragons2

    How do you label your eggs for sale?

    My hens are getting ready to start laying eggs and I want to know how I should label the cartons. My chickens are cage free and fed organic food/scratch and some table scraps. I don't want to wash the eggs so they'll last longer without refrigeration. Do the eggs NEED to be washed before use...
  5. ilovedragons2

    Unexpected rooster

    Louie is about 5 or 6. The new rooster (Amelio) is just about 4 mo. old. I have 7 hens the same age as Amelio.
  6. ilovedragons2

    Unexpected rooster

    I bought a few easteregger chicks that were supposed to be pullets, HOWEVER, one of them just started crowing. I already have an older rooster (Louie) so I am worried that the young rooster will be the death of Louie. I see that easteregger chickens are pretty docile and am wondering if it...
  7. ilovedragons2

    What breed is this?

    I bought 8 chicks this spring from a farm supply store. They were supposed to be Rhode Island Red, Buff Orphington, Silver Lace Wynndot, and Auracauna. They were all labeled as pullets. One "hen" got bigger than the others and began bullying the rest of the flock, one to the point where she...
  8. ilovedragons2

    Combining chickens into one coop

    Louie is going on 6. The main coop is 8' L x 4' W x 4'H. The smaller coop is only temporary and is about 5' L x 3' 6" L and 3' 6" H. It was what I could salvage from one of the coop/runs you can get at farm supply stores. The coops are located in a 20' L x 10' W x 6' H chain link fence. They...
  9. ilovedragons2

    Combining chickens into one coop

    Yes, I don't have any mature hens. My last hen died suddenly last month. He hasn't made any advances to the young hens so far.
  10. ilovedragons2

    Combining chickens into one coop

    Right now I have 2 coops, one with my young hens and one for my rooster. Last night, one of the hens darted into the roosters coop and jumped up on the roost with him while the rest of the flock ran to their smaller coop. After closing up the coop with the hens, I heard a commotion from the...
  11. ilovedragons2

    Introducing chicks to new coop

    I have 10 young chickens that I need to move from a small coop to a larger one. How do I get them to start using the new one instead of the old one? I can't remember what I've done in the past to make the transition. Thanks!
  12. ilovedragons2

    PVC roost

    Thank you all for your answers. I'll have to use wood instead. I do have plenty of trees that I can trim to use for roosts.
  13. ilovedragons2

    PVC roost

    I'm trying to save some $$ on a roost for my chickens and by using what I have and am trying 1 1/4 schedule 40 PVC to see if my chicks will use it. It's pretty sturdy and I wonder if I need to sand the surface to make it less slick. From what I understand about chicken anatomy, their feet are...
  14. ilovedragons2

    Araucana thread anyone?

    I just bought 6 beautiful Araucana chicks. I have 3 different colors and wonder what they are going to look like when they grow up. The last "EE" I had were white and laid green eggs. I avoided the regular yellow chicks thinking they would be plain white as adults. Thanks for any help!!
  15. ilovedragons2

    TSC Minimum Chick Limit

    WHY is there a minimum of six chicks when buying peeps from farm stores? Six is a lot of chickens for someone who wants to try raising a few chickens before buying a whole flock. I only wanted to buy three Easter Egger cheeps to add to my small flock but can't because of the "law". Are there...
  16. ilovedragons2

    Free ranging in snow?

    I let my flock decide if they wanted out or not. They chose not to go out. I eventually scattered a bale of straw over the snow and they gladly went out but stayed on the straw. Louie (my roo) stepped out into it and came right back in. I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to be running...
  17. ilovedragons2

    why did you start keeping chickens

    I started keeping chickens when the neighbors chickens wandered into my yard and decided to stay. As they disappeared, I bought a coop and run to keep the remaining hens protected. After they escaped and eventually the rest disappeared I got my own chicks. I've learned a lot the hard way, but...
  18. ilovedragons2

    Emotional trauma and egg laying

    A 'possum got into my chicken coop and scared the feathers off my hens. Since then they have not laid any eggs. How long will it take them to recover?
  19. ilovedragons2

    An animal attacked "Fort Chicken" today!

    I found out what was terrorizing my chickens.....a 'possum. I found out by accident when I lifted one of the nesting boxes out to replace the material and it was hiding UNDER it!! No wonder my chickens didn't want to go back into the coop. Needless to say it won't be bothering anything any more.
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