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  1. Deebsra

    Incubating for the first time. Day 13 questions.

    So, I'm hatching 8 Ameraucana eggs in a homemade (but not by me) bator. I'm on day 13 and I tried to candle the eggs tonight just to make sure they were fine. I couldn't really see anything except an air pocket and darkness. How can I tell if they are okay?
  2. Deebsra

    Broody gone bad

    So we tried hatching using a broody hen last year and it didn't work. It didn't work because she wasn't aggressive so I moved her, then she wouldn't sit on her eggs. Sadly all of her eggs ended up getting destroyed. This year we 41 more chickens and a second coop & enclosure. In this...
  3. Deebsra

    What's wrong with my girl?

    Hi friends, I have a black chick, she's about 14 weeks old. My daughter who is 6 usually feeds and waters the chicks & chickens (we have 61, I homeschool and I'm pregnant right now) SO, I didn't know that she wasn't really getting off the coop floor yesterday. So when I went in to check on...
  4. Deebsra

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    63 chickens. 483+63=546 14 RIR 2 Plymouth Rocks 5 California Leghorns 13 Ameraucanas 1 blue Cochin 4 Red Stars And the rest I have no idea! I bought a mixed layer thing and I haven't figured them all out yet :)
  5. Deebsra

    Why aren't my chickens laying as much as they should?

    By free range I mean they have a 66 foot by 3 foot enclosure on the side of our property that they couldn't lay eggs in. We sometimes let them out into the yard, but not till after 4pm. They usually are completely done laying by 1pm.
  6. Deebsra

    Why aren't my chickens laying as much as they should?

    They eat organic lay pellets with oyster shell, soy free and free range on our 2/3 acre to eat some bugs a couple times a week (after egg laying hours). I give them scraps from our table if we have some. They love anything red, like strawberries and they go nuts over loquats. Sometimes we give...
  7. Deebsra

    Why aren't my chickens laying as much as they should?

    Hi BYC friends, I have 14 Rhode Island Red Pullets, 2 Plymouth Rock Pullets, and 1 California Leghorn Pullet. All of the RIR pullets hatched on September 11th last year but they aren't all laying 5-7 days a week. I actually don't know if all of them are even laying yet. The PR's lay about 5...
  8. Daisy


  9. Mable, Bertha, Daisy & Queen

    Mable, Bertha, Daisy & Queen

  10. Mable


  11. Barrrrrk


  12. Hey Ladies!

    Hey Ladies!

  13. Their 66 ft long enclosure

    Their 66 ft long enclosure

  14. The Lady Reds

    The Lady Reds

  15. Daisy, the California Leghorn

    Daisy, the California Leghorn

  16. mmmmmm :)

    mmmmmm :)

  17. From their daytime enclosure into their run, with coop behind

    From their daytime enclosure into their run, with coop behind

  18. Albino?


  19. Stocking up eggs

    Stocking up eggs

  20. Free Rangin'

    Free Rangin'

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