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  1. Chicken Happy

    Two week-old chick with slipped tendon

    Have a 2 week-old with a slipped tendon. I have tried to correct this - popping tendon back in, splint, vet wrap, etc. I have tried, but it is harder to get back in place now and he seems in pain. ARGH! Is it getting too late for it to work?
  2. Chicken Happy

    Week old silkie weak, will not eat

    My little guy has had a hard time just to get this far. Lone survivor out of an incubation horror story. Spraddle leg and alone. It was starting to thrive and gave up today. Now it just lays under the lamp and gasps. I have gotten it to drink h20 w/electrolytes, chick starter mash in egg yolk...
  3. Chicken Happy

    Chick what!?!?

    Been having a horrible time with this batch. One chick just hatched, but there was blood in the shell and he/she is just flopped over and not getting-up. Ummm?
  4. Chicken Happy

    Rescuing a dumped duck

    This morning on my way to work, I noticed a white duck on the fishing dock. An obvious 'duck dump' - as we have plenty of wild ducks here and this guy does not fit in. On my way home, s/he was still there. I did stop and attempted to get friendly - it would have helped if I had some food. S/he...
  5. Chicken Happy

    What am I?

    Got 6 of these little critters. They were in the assorted bantam mix. Cochin? Pullet or roo? Yes, my husband warned me that it would poo on my keyboard...I scoffed at him. Three are close to being fully feathered (3weeks old)...the other 3 are being rather slow about getting any feathers besides...
  6. Chicken Happy

    Baby chick having issues. :(

    Got 5 babies today @ the feed store and one looked dead when I got them home. She (barred rock) was on her stomach - legs splayed out and stiff. After a few minutes of holding her, she moved a bit. Warmed her under the heater and she came back. However, she wobbles and walking is an issue. She...
  7. Chicken Happy

    New egg here

    Hi! Going to answer the sample idea questions...must start somehow. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Long, LONG ago I decided that chickens were not for me...silly critters. I was an FFA chick who worked with horses, raised goats, and sheep. Told my FFA advisor...
  8. Chicken Happy

    Can not post review for breeds

    Claims that I am not allowed to do this. I am logged it.!
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