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  1. hshsmomx2

    illness or just old?

    I'm no professional chicken keeper, but I've seen many on this site suggest to use VetRx orally or in their water. Some keepers swear by the vetRx to fix many illnesses. May help most with respiratory illnesses. I've tried it and sometimes it does work. available from Tractor Supply in our...
  2. hshsmomx2

    How to build a latch or lock on my run door that opens from both sides?

    Maybe this is already posted here - but we use a strong elastic band with sturdy hooks on each end. It pulls the door shut once you've gone through. Ours come from home Depot and are about 18 inches long, flat black elastic band with hooks on each end. Attached mid-height to outside to pull...
  3. hshsmomx2

    Please Help! Raccoon Problem!!! Click Here!!!!!!!!

    What worked for us is using only hardware cloth and digging it in 18 inches underground all the way around the coup. Our coup has plywood on 3 sides, plywood roof and hardware cloth on a wood frame for the fourth side. Hardware cloth dug in 18 inches deep on all 4 sides. Hope that helps. We...
  4. hshsmomx2

    Help! Can chickens die from poultry lice!!!!!

    We were infested with stick tight fleas at one point and everything we tried wasn't working; the chickens' heads were smothered with them, it was awful. A kind person on this site suggested we use the Permethrin 10 spray as already suggested but to add in the spray this product IG Regulator...
  5. hshsmomx2

    Growing greens for chickens

    We live in south Florida in a rural area and our chickens cannot free range due to predators. So we built a large pen to keep everyone in with shade cloth on top for the daytime portion. One downside to the shade cloth is that nothing grows underneath it. I apologise if this seems like a dumb...
  6. hshsmomx2

    Please help - stick tight flea I think???

    I had the very same problem, reddish 'fleas' mounded on the chicken's head and neck - terrible stuff. we were to the point to consider burning down the 100' long coop to get rid of them. I had also read that was the only way to banish these parasites. Finally read on this forum to spray...
  7. hshsmomx2

    How do you get rid of rats? Do they kill chickens or just the babies?

    check out this link it works for us
  8. hshsmomx2

    Please help - stick tight flea I think???

    so glad it helped. we've been battling these stick tight fleas for 2 years now - what a nightmare ! also, we've been spraying absolutely every surface in the poultry house with permethrin, including the chickens themselves but it wasn't getting them. thanks to your post here we learned...
  9. hshsmomx2

    Please help - stick tight flea I think???

    For heavens sake, we have a couple hundred chickens and have had a massive stick tight flea infestation about a year now. we've sprayed, dusted and cleaned countless times but to no avail. we saw the posting here mentioning using vaseline to suffocate them which somehow gave me the idea of...
  10. hshsmomx2

    Valbazen for reddish mites

    does anyone know if Valbazen gets mites on chickens? matter of fact, I'm confused with trying to figure out what kind of 'mites' we have. they are reddish in color, mixed in among all the feathers but clustered around the eyes and wattles. Are these fowl mites or the particular fleas...
  11. hshsmomx2

    Hen ill after deworming with valbazen - Update: she died, did necropsy

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your bird :( how did the necropsy turn out?
  12. hshsmomx2

    pullet with leg trouble

    these are her soluble vitamins her diet was medicated chick starter until maybe 3 months ago and Walpole layer crumble ever since. no she doesn't free range because we are in a wild area so she wouldn't live...
  13. hshsmomx2

    pullet with leg trouble

    Does anyone know what is causing this sudden change in our hen's legs? this is a standard cochin 5-6 months old who never had a moment's trouble until suddenly 2 weeks ago we found her hobbling, slapping her feet rather than placing them and turning her knees in. as an immediate reaction we...
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