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  1. OlofDrofn

    Plants for chicken run?

    Sunflowers took over my run last year. I had cut flowers in the house all the time. It was great and pretty. Plenty of places hide and pretty flowers.
  2. OlofDrofn

    chicken laying eggs wherever she is.

    One of my hens was attacked in the middle of the night one night I forgot to close the coop. She lost some featheres from her tail but that looked like the extent of her injuries. I was out there in a flash as soon as I heard a commotion. Well now I find her eggs just willy nilly everywhere...
  3. OlofDrofn

    TULSA area Cluckers

    I'm looking for pullets that are about to or just started laying. 2 that are bad flyers but good layers for my backyard flock. Anybody have anything like that. Dark or colorful eggs are a plus but production and reliability on eggs more important.
  4. OlofDrofn

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    Looking for pullets that have just started laying. I need 2 perferably a breed that lays well but is a horrible flyer. My backyard girls will be 3 years old so I should see a drop in production and need 2 more to fill the gap. I have 3 growing boys that love eggs. Not getting any now.
  5. OlofDrofn

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I am looking for a laying or close to laying Cochin and a dark brown laying hen. Anyone close to Tulsa have anything like that?
  6. OlofDrofn

    TULSA area Cluckers

    Sorry Rinda I totally misspelled your name in that post. Thanks for the info. I'll try the Xmas lights. I sure do hope I start getting blue eggs soon. That Cream Legbar was a bit expensive just to have as an ornamental bird. Even though she is beautiful I did get my birds for eggs and I believe...
  7. OlofDrofn

    TULSA area Cluckers

    Thanks. I just added extra straw to my coop tonight prepping for the cold front. I'll find my lights and timer and see how they go.
  8. OlofDrofn

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    I have a 6 month old black Ameraucana and she was ill when I got her with a upper resp infection which then spread to the rest of my chickens and caused them all to quit laying for 2 months and one is just now starting to lay again. I contacted the seller that I got her from and she said that...
  9. OlofDrofn

    TULSA area Cluckers

    Wow thanks for following through and reading my whole chicken history. When I read it again after I posted it I realized how it went on and on. I checked my coop again and found another egg from my Buff. She is such a sweet girl. But I might try getting some Christmas lights on a timer. How much...
  10. OlofDrofn

    TULSA area Cluckers

    So I have been dealing with some issues with my backyard flock. All of my hens quit laying for over a month. Not a single egg. I had 3 that were already laying that quit and 2 that were suppose to start laying that never started and still haven't. My australorp and Buff Orpington, I know for...
  11. OlofDrofn

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Got my polish hen that is 11 months old on Friday and still haven't gotten an egg from her. The seller told me that she was laying. How often do your hens lay?
  12. OlofDrofn

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I got 2. One from my Australorp and one from my Buff Orpington. The Cream Legbar should start laying at the end of the month and the Black Ameraucana should start next month. I expected my first white egg from the Polish I got yesterday but nope. I'm sure she is stressed so she will lay when she...
  13. OlofDrofn

    Comment by 'OlofDrofn' in item 'Brabanter'

    What color eggs do they lay?
  14. OlofDrofn

    TULSA area Cluckers

    OK I have 2 beautiful EE roos that need a new home. Anybody need to freshen up their EE bloodline. If I know they are not going to be eaten then I will give them to you for free. They just started crowing. 3 months old and kind to my children and hens.
  15. OlofDrofn

    Cream Legbars

    lonnyandrinda Thank you for the Cream Legbar chick that I picked up last week. She is doing great and wing feathers and tail feathers starting to come in. The BCM is great as well. Forgot to ask you where you got your Cream Legbars from in case we move somewhere where I can have a roo I don't...
  16. OlofDrofn

    Easter Egger club!

    How does one know if their EE is a roo? I think one of mine is but I am now wondering if I am right.
  17. OlofDrofn

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    So maybe have them free range together and then bunk separately for a little while before them be in the same coop?
  18. OlofDrofn

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    I have a question. I have 8 week old chicks and am about to get some that are hatching tomorrow. When can I introduce the new babies to the flock?
  19. OlofDrofn

    Australorp male or female?

    Yeah mine were born in January. I´ve known that one of my EEs was a roo for a long time. I'm so glad that Mathilda is a girl LOL.
  20. OlofDrofn

    Australorp male or female?

    Have an australorp that I just can't decide if hopefully she is a she or a he. I have photos of her on my blog. Any ideas?
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