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  1. molson3

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    We're getting 18 from 20 birds, not bad for the first year. Once and a while there will only be 16 or 17 eggs depending on what I'm not sure, but when that happens I tell them I might have chick'n soup for supper tomorrow night, it seems to help BYC RULES
  2. molson3

    Cold Weather

    Hello all, I have two things I'd like to share with you. The first involves the humidity problem in a closed up coop. We’ve removed about 2/3rds (or better) of the moisture issues with what we call the "coop poop tray" We’ve got two roosts, under that and built about two feet off the floor...
  3. molson3

    Okay, if you want to feel like your coop is severely plain...

    Great theme and awesome paint work, the question I have I guess is how’s that place going to look after a few chickens backfire? It seems that in my mediocre coop that’s all I do anymore. The chickens we all own are nothing more than a feathered poop factory that any industrial producing country...
  4. L'il Chicken Hilton

    L'il Chicken Hilton

    The wife received 10 chicks from our daughter on Mothers Day 2013, it was so fun that Pam bought ten more. Oh boy, the start of a very busy summer. We considered building one of the great chicken coop/ tractors we've seen here on BYC. But we had most of the items already so we got started. Built...
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