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  1. chicken110


    Anyone here got show quality type Brahmas? Specifically those near northeastern Oklahoma.
  2. chicken110

    Why aren't hens laying?

    Recently my hens' laying has been collapsing. Average past couple months they've been laying a dozen and a half per day, but I recently got 15% egg ration and it went down. A week later I bought 20% chick crumbles and laying has gone down to the single digits. Probably also the snap cold that's...
  3. chicken110

    Why aren't my chickens laying much eggs?

    I've been feeding them layer feed for quite awhile now. Is that a bad thing?
  4. chicken110

    Why aren't my chickens laying much eggs?

    At what point do brahmas and jersey giants start laying? I've got six of those all pullets and are six months old now. When are they suppose to start laying?
  5. chicken110

    Why aren't my chickens laying much eggs?

    At moment its close to 70. A cochin rooster disappeared several days ago and hasn't come back. I was thinking of separating the birds that are young at the moment in a confined space so they only eat grower feed while I give layer to the older birds. I've got a good of my flock that are anywhere...
  6. chicken110

    Why aren't my chickens laying much eggs?

    Well as recently as late June/early July the rate was some 20 daily. Then as soon as I left for Iowa for a few days, it immediately declined and while has occasionally gone close to 20, mostly it's been in the range of 10-15 daily (including 1-2 duck eggs). BTW I have young birds that are 4...
  7. chicken110

    Why aren't my chickens laying much eggs?

    I've got almost 70 poultry birds (including 3 ducks) and yet the lay rate of late has been so poor. So far today I've gotten six eggs and I've got only six roosters in the flock. What's going on? Anyone have any advice?
  8. chicken110

    Ongoing Brahma Projects Thread

    I'm about to get a bunch of light Brahmas in the mail from Murray McMurray Hatchery along with one dark Brahma cockerel, 7 black Jersey Giants (1 cockerel, 6 pullets), one buff Cochin cockerel and finally one rare freebie exotic that Murray McMurray throws in their orders as an option. Making a...
  9. chicken110

    Your Top Five Favorite Breeds!

    Right now I'd say 1. Brahmas 2. Cochins 3. Jersey Giants 4. Barred Plymouth Rock 5. Buff Orpington.
  10. chicken110

    My MUST have breeds list

    Update: I've now got three young Lt. Brahmas, one more BPR hen, one more WLH, one EE, one purebred Ameraucana, one BSL and one more BO hen. Total makes 44 now of what I have. Still really want some BJGs, Shamos, Malays, Asils, Dark Cornishes and others too.
  11. chicken110

    What chickens (what breeds specifically) do you have? And how many total?

    Traditionally I've only had 15-20 on average. Though earlier this year my dad and I bought new chicks from Tractor Supply and AtWoods. Since I've also bought chickens from Craigslist and other places. I got 44 now.
  12. chicken110

    What chickens (what breeds specifically) do you have? And how many total?

    You ever plan to get more? I'm still wanting Black Jersey Giants, Buckeyes, LF Cochins, Dark Cornish and Silver-grey Dorkings.
  13. chicken110

    What chickens (what breeds specifically) do you have? And how many total?

    Wow 82 birds in total! That's impressive! I wish I could have that many. Though as is 44 is plenty for me too.
  14. chicken110

    The Plymouth Rock Breeders thread

    Here's my Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel. Got him along with several others as little peeps back in April and boy he's come round in size! His name is Angel. :D
  15. chicken110

    What chickens (what breeds specifically) do you have? And how many total?

    Wow 25 birds! That's a good number you have there. I love Barred Plymouth Rocks. I have six of them currently. Four pullets, 1 hen and one cockerel. Also have Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps and one White Plymouth Rock. I've got a total of 44 right now including 3 Light Brahmas I bought in...
  16. chicken110

    What chickens (what breeds specifically) do you have? And how many total?

    One of my Belgian D'Uccles is Mille Fleur. Also have got a cuckoo OEG. What other breeds do you have and how many total birds is there?
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