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  1. Telecaster68

    I Need Help About My Chicks

    I would have to say neither! Hatchery chicks are NOT the same as chicks from a reputable breeder. Hatchery chicks have bloodlines that have been constantly stressed and over-bred to create a watered down commercial style chicken. I have had chickens from hatcheries and local breeders with...
  2. Telecaster68

    Help, moving chicks outside

    They should be okay. Remember the mama hen can keep five or six chicks warm with just her body heat so you've got the advantage with electricity!
  3. Telecaster68

    3-week old australorp chick has died

    Sorry for the loss, but it is something you will see happen when raising chicks. In my experience once a chick (or even a full grown chicken for that matter) stops acting like a chicken you know scratching around pecking then there's nothing you can do they will most likely die. Just keep in...
  4. Telecaster68

    When are chicks ready to be brought outside

    My chicks are almost 2 weeks old and the pullets have plenty of feathers, but the little rooster is still mostly down with no tail feathers. Thinking I'm going to wait until 4 weeks to let them go outside during the day. I hope by then the weather will be a good 70 degrees
  5. Telecaster68

    How far do Free Range chickens go?

    I have been free ranging my Buff Orpingtons and they used to stay really close to the coop and never went out of the backyard, but spring is upon us and they have been venturing farther and farther each day. How far do they go is this normal?
  6. Telecaster68

    1st Time Chicken owner

    Buff Orpingtons are the only way to go! They are so friendly and beautiful mine love being picked up even the rooster. They come in several colors ie: Buff, Black, Lavender, Blue and Splash. They are cold hardy bieng from England so they dont need a heat lamp during winter. Good luck with your...
  7. Telecaster68

    1 Yr old Rooster and baby chicks!?!

    I have a 1 yr old Buff Orp Rooster and have five BO chicks in the brooder. They are almost fully feathered and the weather is getting close to warm enough to put them in the coop with him. I am wondering if he will attack them or be too rough with the youngsters or will he protect them? He is a...
  8. Telecaster68

    Chicken Q&A (hopefully)

    I recommend Orpingtons. They are non-flighty mine rarely get higher than 2 ft. off the ground. LOL. Beautiful birds that are easily handled and a joy to watch scratching around the yard
  9. Telecaster68

    Hello. Getting back into chickens after about 8 years

    It is true that cockerels have more muscle on them even at a young age, but just remember any chicken tastes good after taking a crock pot bath for six hours. I can already smell the barbeque chicken.
  10. Telecaster68

    constantly going broody

    Well since you only have 2 RIR left you could get a chick from TSC and let her raise it then she probably won't go broody again until next spring.
  11. Telecaster68

    Possum killed a hen last night - the rest ran off. Do they ever return?

    In the future you should invest in a .22 long rifle. Sounds mean, but after having my hens harassed for a few weeks I sat put one night just to see who would show up. I bagged an opossum and missed a racoon. You would be surprised how many predators know about your chickens
  12. Telecaster68

    interior construction complete! metal shed conversion

    If you have this type of shed with the thin metal it is very easy to cut into. We took off the metal doors that came with it and built the coop door with 2x8 pieces and some fencing wire that allows for great ventilation.
  13. Telecaster68

    interior construction complete! metal shed conversion

    Put in several windows for ventilation they are easy to cut out with a skillsaw
  14. Telecaster68

    Sand vs Deep Litter?

    I have sand and like it a lot. The only thing is when the sand gets wet from rain it will stink to high heaven. But one day in the summer sun will dry it all back out again and no more smell.
  15. Telecaster68

    Coop Ideas

    Will this side of the house get enough sun? Chickens need lots of sunshine to lay eggs.
  16. Telecaster68

    Rain and chickens??

    My Orpingtons could care less about a little rain. They will wade in 2 inches of water waiting for the worms to come up for air!
  17. Telecaster68

    Rooster for egg laying?

    Roosters are not necessary, but it's a great experience to watch them interact and associate with the hens.
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