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  1. Dellwyn

    Pics of my chickens.

    Lovely pics and gorgeous chookies.
  2. Dellwyn

    does anyone have a chicken that gives hugs?

    I get hugs from a few of my girls. Some like to be patted (some don't) and I can pick a couple up without the 'she's trying to kill me' routine I get with some of the others. I hand raised all my 17 girls and 3 boys. I have one that LOVES to jump on me and they pretty much all follow me around...
  3. Dellwyn

    Just curious? Who names all their chickens and who doesn't?

    All 48 animals on my property have names, that includes my 17 hens and 3 roosters. I even find myself calling the wild birds such as Magpies-Maggie and Wagtails-Willie. I am one of those people that HAS to name everything LOL. Each to their own though, at the other end of the scale there are...
  4. Dellwyn

    How many are training or have young horses?

    I have an Aussie pony that's rising five about to be started under saddle-I've had him since he was 16 months and had to make major breakthroughs with him cause you couldn't do anything with him when I got him. I also have two shetlands that are rising 3yo that will be started soon-and I'm sure...
  5. Dellwyn

    Grit question and thanks!

    Lucerne chaff is also a great form of calcium for strong shells.
  6. Dellwyn

    Using Broody Hens to Hatch Eggs?

    Hi all. Very interesting reading on your experiences with broody hens. There are so mny variables when it comes to animals. Thought I'd share my recent situation as it is quite unusual from all I've ever know previously. My broody hen was fine with me moving her slightly and taking any new...
  7. Dellwyn

    Chriping? Some still un-hatched though...

    So sad to hear about your poor little chicky. I took mine out of the nest box straight away, my hen was fine about it. I have them inside under lights. I was worried one of the other hens might have a go at them as the nest boxes are in the main coop. We also have hawks and the like around...
  8. Dellwyn

    NEARLY HATCH TIME..........UPDATE page 10 they all hatched

    I had my first clutch hatch 2 weeks ago-very exciting. I had a broody hen so I put 12 eggs under and got 6 chicks. 4 on day 21, 1 on day 22 and the last on day 23. She was quite happy for me to take them. I let her sit on the last couple of eggs (a couple got cracked from another hen sitting on...
  9. Dellwyn


    I let mine develop a personality and get their colour through before I name most of them-sometimes they get named earlier if it suits though. Mine are Pie (black austrolorp cross) named when she was a baby, no reference to food though. Maggie (barred plymouth rock cross) Miss Henny Penny...
  10. Dellwyn

    Hi all from newby

    Thanks for the welcome guys. This is all so new to me, it's actually the first time I've done this on any forum. I'm looking forward to making some new friends and just being able to chat to people about mutual interests-animals of course. I have 7 mixed breed hens, 2 roosters, 6 2 week old...
  11. Dellwyn

    Hi all from newby

    Hi all. Couldn't resist joining and fineally having people to talk to about my brood. I have horsey friends but no chicken friends so it will be great to be able to ask questions and get info from everyone. This seems like such a friendly helpful site so I'm really looking forward to joining in.
  12. Dellwyn

    They're here!

    Congrats on your new babies, they are adorable. I had 6 out of 12 hatch under a hen recently as I don't have an incubator. I let her hatch them and she let me take them from her. She's a lovely hen. I love having babies.
  13. Dellwyn

    Chriping? Some still un-hatched though...

    Hi, first time on here, very excited. Are you going to leave the babies with the hen? And to answer your question she should stay on the eggs until they all hatch, maybe getting out for a toilet break or the like if she's a clean hen. The hen next to her should stay on her eggs too if they are...
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