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  1. cheeseheadken

    All my chickens died overnight for no apparent reason

    Just baffled here. Unlocked the henhouse this morning and every one of my 11 layers (except one who had hatched some chicks, and her 5 chicks) was dead in the coop, apparently unharmed. No feathers missing, no blood, no wounds, nothing. The only thing I can think of is they were poisoned...
  2. cheeseheadken

    17 Week Easter Egger Gender?

    So, I began suspecting my pullet was a cockeral several weeks ago, but as a first-time chicken owner, I was unsure. After reading last night, I'm fairly certain I will not be getting any pretty eggs from this fella, but would love an experts advice. From what I've read, there are hackle and...
  3. cheeseheadken

    Help with homemade PVC watering setup.

    Good afternoon friends, I've put together a watering setup for my new coop and have run into an issue. I'm hoping someone out there can spot it, or confirm what I suspect. You'll see a picture of the outside of the coop below. Basically, I have a "tank" made of 4" PVC, which reduces to...
  4. cheeseheadken

    Sick Chick

    So, my first post here since I got chickens - but I have three pullets from the feed store that were shipped in yesterday morning. The (hatchery) araucauna has seemed wimpy from when I picked her up, sleeping all the time, tipsy, doesn't run around, etc. She walks every know and then, but the...
  5. cheeseheadken

    Any info for Jackson, TN (Madison County)?

    So, there is a chance I may be moving to Jackson, TN sometime soon and would love to start a backyard flock of layers for eggs and roosters for dinner. I have been lurking here for about 4 months and have been trying to find info on the ordinances for Jackson. No such luck as of now. Anyway...
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